Yarvik Tablet Manual
file:///Volumes/Product_Data/TAB08-200/Sent_artwork/Manual/internet/Yarvik/Manual/manual_en.html[07-03-13 16:03:17]
Android Home Screen
On the bottom of the Tablet’s screen you can always find the status bar.
The status bar contains both system information and function buttons.
1 -
App and widget menu
2 -
Widget (analog clock)
3 -
App Shortcuts
4 -
Back button - brings you back to the previous screen, or previous website when using the Browser
5 -
Home - brings you back to the Android Home Screen
6 -
Multitask button
7 -
System Time
8 -
Wi-Fi Signal Indicator
9 -
Battery Level Indicator
The home screen consists of multiple pages which can be accessed by swiping the home screen left/right.