Yard-Man 771 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 25

Содержание 771

Страница 1: ...s equippedwitha sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws if any If a sparkarresteris used it shouldbemaintainedineffectiveworkingorderby the operator In theStateof Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw Section4442of the CaliforniaPublicResources Code Otherstatesmayhavesimilarlaws Federallawsapplyonfederallands A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestengineauthorizedservi...

Страница 2: ...n will be necessaryto use the manufacturer s web site and or obtain assistance from the Customer Support Department or an authorizedservice dealer P O BOX 361131 o CLEVELAND OH 44136 www yardman com 330 220 4683 800 800 731 O Customer Support Please do NOTreturn the unit to the retailer from which it was purchased without first contacting Customer Support Ifyou have difficulty assemblingthis produ...

Страница 3: ...O o 1 o 13 O3 13 13 O O O O5 E O 13 13 o3 13 O O o3 13 E 3 13 o 13 C5 5 O3 O5 13 t b 13 O9 o5 13 O O O3 5 O3 O O E Sight and hold this levelwith a verticaltree also I 15 ...

Страница 4: ... CautionMode shouldnotbe used whenchildrenor others are around g Keepchildrenawayfromhotor running engines Theycan sufferburnsfroma hot muffler h Removekeywhenmachineis unattendedto preventunauthorized operation 2 Neverallowchildrenunder14yearsoldto operate the machine Children14yearsoldandovershould readand understand the operationinstructions and safetyrulesinthis manualandshouldbetrainedand sup...

Страница 5: ...foreshiftinginto reverse Backupslowly Alwayslookdownandbehindbefore andwhilebackingto avoida back overaccident 19 Slowdownbeforeturning Operatethe machine smoothly Avoiderraticoperationandexcessive speed 20 Disengageblade s setparkingbrake stopengine andwaituntilthe blade s cometo a completestop beforeremoving grasscatcher emptyinggrass uncloggingchute removingany grassor debris or makinganyadjust...

Страница 6: ...stability 5 Useextracare withgrasscatchersorotherat tachments Thesecanchangethe stabilityof the machine 6 Keepall movement on the slopesslowand gradual Do not makesuddenchangesin speedor direction Rapidengagement or brakingcouldcausethe front of the machineto liftand rapidlyflip overbackwards whichcouldcauseseriousinjury 7 Avoidstartingor stoppingon a slope If tireslose traction disengagethe blade...

Страница 7: ...vices Checktheir properoperationregularly 9 Afterstrikingaforeignobject stopthe engine disconnectthe sparkplugwire s andgroundagainst the engine Thoroughlyinspectthe machinefor any damage Repairthe damagebeforestartingand operating 10 Neverattemptto makeadjustmentsor repairsto the machinewhilethe engineisrunning 11 Grasscatchercomponents andthe discharge coveraresubjectto wearanddamagewhichcould e...

Страница 8: ...cable heavyredwire is securedto the positivebatteryterminal witha hexbolt andhex nut at thefactory Makecertainthatthe rubberboot coversthe terminalto helpprotectit fromcorrosion Removethehex boltand hexnut fromthe negative cable Removetheblackplasticcover if present fromthe negativebatteryterminalandattachthe negative cable heavyblackwire to the negativebattery terminal withthe bolt andnut Makecer...

Страница 9: ...ryour tractordid notcome attached the hardwarefor attachingit hasbeenpacked withinthe steeringwheel beneaththe steeringwheel cap Carefullypry offthe steeringwheelcapand remove the hardware NOTE Therearetwodifferentstylesof steeringwheel cap SeeFigure3 Styles vary by model 1 With the wheels of the tractor pointingstraight forward placethe steeringwheeloverthe steering shaft 2 Placethe washer withth...

Страница 10: ...ceedingwithapplicable instructionsbelow Standard Adjustment Seat 1 Positionthe shoulderscrews foundonthe baseof the seat insidetheslotopeningsinthe seatpivotbracket Figure4 2 Slidethe seatslightlyrearwardinthe seatpivot bracket liningupthe rearslots inthe pivotbracket withthe remainingtwo holesinthe seat sbase 3 Selectdesiredpositionforthe seat andsecurewith the twohex screwsremoved earlier SeeFig...

Страница 11: ...owthe clippingsto dischargeout of the discharge openingduringoperation SeeFigure7 Tire Pressure _ WARNING Maximum tire pres sure underany circumstances is 30 psi Equal tire pressure should be maintainedat all times Figure 7 The tiresonyour unitmaybeover inflated for shipping purposes Reducethetire pressurebeforeoperating the tractor Recommended operatingtire pressureis approximately 10p s ifor the...

Страница 12: ...Figure 8 NOTE Steeringwheelnot shownfor clarity 1 If soequipped A SpeedControlLever ParkingBrake E ThrottleControlLever B Clutch Brake Pedal F IgnitionSwitchModule C ShiftLever G DeckLiftLever D ChokeControl1 H PTO BladeEngage Lever NOTE Anyreferencein thismanualto the RIGHTor LEFTside of the tractoris observedfromoperator sposition 12 ...

Страница 13: ...nclockwiseto the STARTposition Releasethe keyintothe NORMALMOWINGMODEpositiononce theenginehasfired Tostopthe engine turn theignition keycounterclockwise to the OFFposition SeeFigurelOB WARNING Never leave a running machine unattended Always disengage PTO move shift lever into neutral position set parking brake stop engine and remove key to prevent unintended starting IMPORTANT Priorto operatingth...

Страница 14: ...ssthe clutch brakepedalpartwaydownwhenslowingthe tractorbychangingspeeds Referto SpeedControl Lever Depressthe pedalall thewaydownto engage thedisc brakeand bringthe tractorto a completestop NOTE Thepedalmustbedepressedto startthe engine Referto SafetyInterlockSwitcheson page14 Shift Lever The shiftleverislocatedon the leftsideof thefender andhasthree positions FORWARD NEUTRAL and REVERSE The brak...

Страница 15: ...catorlightat thetop left cornerof the keyswitchmodulewill be ONwhile activated SeeFigure12 F Indicator Light Stop Position Reverse PushButton Reverse CautionMode Position Start Position Figure 12 4 Onceactivated indicatorlight ON the tractorcan bedriveninreversewiththecutting blades PTO engaged 5 Alwayslookdownandbehindbeforeandwhile backingto makesurenochildrenare around 6 Afterresumingforwardmot...


Страница 17: ...hut engine off and remove the key IMPORTANT Whenstoppingthe tractorfor anyreason whileona grasssurface always 1 Placethe shift leverin neutral 2 Engagethe parkingbrake 3 Shutengineoff andremovethe key Doingsowill minimizethe possibilityof havingyourlawn browned by hot exhaustfromyourtractor srunning engine If unit stalls withspeedcontrolin highspeed orif unit willnot operatewithspeedcontrolleverin...

Страница 18: ...ther separatelyavailable attachments iMPORTANT Models withReverse Caution Mode Theenginewill automaticallyshutoff ifthe PTOis engagedwiththe shift leverin positionfor reversetravel withthe ignitionkeyinthe NORMALMOWING position Models withoutReverseCautionMode The PTO BladeEngage levermust bein thedisen gaged OFF positionwhen startingthe engine when travelingin reverse and if the operatorleavesthe...

Страница 19: ... Maintaina slowgroundspeedto allowthe grass clippingsmoretimeto effectivelybemulched Alwayspositionthe throttlecontrolleverinthe FAST rabbit positionandallowit to remaintherewhile mowing Failingto keepthe engineat full throttle placesstrainon the tractor sengineand doesnot allowthe bladesto properlymulchgrass Figure 13 NOTE It is not necessaryto removethe dischargechute to operatethe mowerwiththe ...

Страница 20: ...rmation regardingtire pressure Front To Rear Thefrontof the cuttingdeckis supportedbya stabilizer barthatcanadjustedto levelthe deckfromfrontto rear Thefrontof the deckshouldbebetween1 4 inchand 3 8 inchlowerthanthe rearof the deck Adjustif necessaryas follows Side to Side If the cuttingdeckappearsto bemowingunevenly a side to side adjustment can beperformed Adjustif necessary as follows 1 Withthe...

Страница 21: ...sitionof the seat loosenthe twohex screwson the bottomof the seat Slidethe seatforward or backwardas desired Retightenthe twoscrews See Figure17 Knob Adjustment Seat if so equipped Toadjustthe positionof the seaton modelsso equipped loosenthe twoknobson the bottomof theseat See Figure18 Slidethe seatforwardor backwardas desired Retightenthe twoknobs Quick Adjust Seat if so equipped Toadjustthe pos...

Страница 22: ...thyourunit Performthe abovestepsinthe oppositeorderafteroil has finisheddraining 5 Refillthe enginewith newmotoroil as instructedinthe EngineOperator Owner Manualpackedwithyour unit IMPORTANT Referto the EngineOperator Owner Manualpackedwithyourunit for informationregardingthe quantityandproperweightof motoroil Air Cleaner Servicethe pre cleaner if soequipped andcartridge air cleanerelementas inst...

Страница 23: ...ulley s Referto Changingthe Deck Belton page26 for detailedinstructions 4 Lookingat the cuttingdeckfromtheleft sideof the tractor locatethe hairpinclip thatsecuresthe deck supportrodon the rearleftsideof the deck See Figure22 5 Removethe hairpinclipthat securesthedeck supportrod andcarefullyremovethe decksupport fromthe decklift arm 6 Repeattheabovestepson thetractor srightside 7 Movethe decklift ...

Страница 24: ...f time chargethe batterywithanautomotive type 12 volt chargerfora minimumof one hour at six amps WARNING Batteries give off an explosive gas while charging Charge battery in a well venti lated area and keep away from an open flame or pilot light as on a water heater space heater furnace clothes dryer or other gas appliances WARNING When removing or installingthe battery follow these instructionsto...

Страница 25: ...uttingedgeof the bladehasalready beensharpenedto within15 8 fromtheedge or if any metalseparation is present replacethe bladeswith new ones SeeFigure25 It isimportantthateachcuttingbladeedgebeground equallyto maintainproperbladebalance A poorlybalancedbladewill causeexcessive vibrationand maycausedamageto thetractorand resultinpersonalinjury The bladecan betestedby balancingit ona roundshaftscrewd...

Страница 26: ...otchonthe rightfender 2 Removethebelt guardsby removing the self tapping screwsthatfastenthemto the deck 3 Removethebelt keeperrodfromaroundthe engine pulley 4 Inserta 3 8 driveratchetwrench setto loosen into the squareholefoundin the idlerbracketonthe left sideof the deck ssurface SeeFigure26 5 Graspthe ratchet shandleandpivotit towardthe front of the tractorto relievetensiononthe belt 6 Withbelt...

Страница 27: ...IdlerBracket EnginePu_ 42 Inch Deck _ Deck Idler Pulleys j Figure 26 f Engine Pulley 38 Inch Deck _ Idler Bracket Deck Idler Pulleys Figure 27 Maintaining Your Lawn Tractor 27 ...

Страница 28: ...NING Never store the __ achine or fuel container indoors where there is an open flame spark or pilot light such as on water heater furnace clothes dryer or other gas appliance Attachments Accessories Thefollowingattachments andaccessoriesarecompatiblefor ModelSeries700LawnTractors Seethe retailer fromwhichyou purchasedyourtractor an authorizedMTDServiceDealeror phone 800 800 7310 for information r...

Страница 29: ... WARNING This symbolpoints out importantsafety instructionswhich if not followed could endangerthe personal safetyand or property of yourselfandothers Readandfollowall instructionsinthis manualbeforeat temptingto operate this machine Failure to complywiththese instructionsmay result in personalinjury When you see this symbol HEED ITS WARNING Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machin...

Страница 30: ...looded if so equipped I I 7 Crankenginewiththrott e n FAST I position I 8 Parkngbrakenotengaged I 8 Engageparkingbrake I 9 Throttlecontro levernotin correct 9 Placethrottleleverto FAST I startingposition _ position Engineruns erratic 1 UnitrunningwithCHOKEapplied 1 PushCHOKEcontrol if so 2 Sparkplugwire s loose 3 Blockedfuellineor stalefuel 4 Ventingas cap plugged 5 Waterordirt infuel system 6 Dir...

Страница 31: ...ner if So equipped Excessive 1 Cuttingbladelooseorunbalanced 1 Tightenbladeandspindle Balanc_ Vibration blade 2 Damagedorbentcuttingblade 2 Replaceblade Mower will not 11 Enginespeedtoo iowl 1 P acethrott e ontrolin FAST ohgrass If wet grass rabbit p0siti n Equipped 2 Donot m0wwhengrass s wet wat unt aterto cut 3 Excessively highgrassl _ Mowonce a a nigncuttingneight then mowagainat desiredheight ...

Страница 32: ...Use this page to make notes and write down important information 32 ...

Страница 33: ...33 U_e_ pagetoma_ notes andwrite down important information i ...

Страница 34: ...i_il i_i i i _II _i _ i _ i i ii i _ii_i_i i_ii_ii_ _i_ i_ii_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_ I 34 ...

Страница 35: ... warrantedfor thewarrantyperiod statedabove Ifthe part fails duringthe periodof warrantycoverage the part willbe repairedor replacedby MTDConsumerGroupInc accordingto subsection 4 below Anysuchpart repairedor replacedunderwarrantywillbe warrantedfor the remainderof the period 2 Any warrantedpart that is scheduledonly for regularinspectioninthe writteninstructionssupplied is warrantedfor thewarrant...

Страница 36: ... andnormaldeteriorationof the exteriorfinish dueto use orexposure d Servicecompletedby someoneotherthananauthorizedservice dealer e f g MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exportedoutsideof the UnitedStates its possessions and territories exceptthosesoldthroughMTD sauthorized channelsof exportdistribution Replacement partsthatarenot genuineMTDparts Transportation chargesand servicecall...
