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Содержание PAX-M4

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Страница 5: ...w of finder 7 Clip for occessories 8 I Depth of field scole 9 I Left window of finder l0l Rewindingcronk l l l D i s t o n c es c o l e l2l Lensopening diol l3l Focusinglever l 4 l F l o s ht e r m i n o l l5l Shutterspeed sertingdiol l6l Eyepiece 171Sprocketwheel l8l Film toke up spool l 9 l F 9 X Q s y n c h r o s e l e c r i o n lever 201Locking lever i i lrj ...

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Страница 7: ...s outstondingly the smollest finest lightest ond most compoct comero in its field It is precision mode by monufocturesof modern offers you oll thot you comero one of the foremost comeros The Pox M4 desire in o 35mm ...

Страница 8: ...fulto see The resultsyou con obtoin with it ore surprising ond with proper core it will bring you hoppinessond ioy for mony yeors All controlsore simple to operote yel the comero hos such versotility os will meet the requirements of exocting photogrophers ...

Страница 9: ... hos excellent depth of focus unequolled brilliont definition ond is highly color corrected When using color film The Pox M4 is equipped with o iouplea combined view ond ronge finder moking it eosy ond speedy to focus ond compose the subiect With every picture you con be certoin of exoct focusing ...

Страница 10: ...lever which helps in fost sequence shooting ond prevents the Conger of double exposure The exposure counter with on eosily reodoble scole under o built in mognifier outomoticolly records every exposure ond reverts to its zero position when the bock of comero is opened or film relooding ...

Страница 11: ...otion for use with both floshbulb ond electronic flosh The high quolity of the Pox M4 is guoronteed ogoinst defects in moteriol or workmonshipfor one yeor from dote of purchose Before looding the comero with film reod the following instructions corefutly ...

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Страница 14: ...ox M4 tokes stondord 35mm film Ploce the looded film cortridge in the film chomber Pull out the film leoder obout 4 inches from cortridge towords the film toke up spool l 8l ot opposite side Insert the leoder into slit in film toke up spool 4 Turn the film winding lever 41 slightly until both sides of the sprocket wheel securely engoge the performotions in the film morgin Then complete o full turn...

Страница 15: ...comero into its former ploce with o slight downword pressureof the right thumb The comero bock is now securelyin ploce The outomotic exposure counter sets itself to 5 lstortl Next turn the lock on the bottom f rom 1rr to L ...

Страница 16: ...counter indicotes the ftgure l ond you ore reody to snop your first picture 6 As o film reminder set the ftlm type indicot ing diol lll with red dot occording to the type of film you ore using lf you ore using o film ot other thon its roted speed lsoy Tri X ot 400 insteod of 200 ASAI set the diol os o reminder ...

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Страница 18: ...ot the subject In the center of the field of the finder you will see o rectongulor oreo in which there is o double imoge of the subiect By moving the focusinglever l 3 with index finger of the left hond the two imoges con be merged into one The lens is now in perfect focus ...

Страница 19: ...e should be token to prevent movementof the comero while pressing the releosebutton Press elbow to body for odded support bl Push the shutter releose button using steody even pressure with your index finger when you copturedesired composition ond figure of the subiect i Y ...

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Страница 21: ...ttercocked Be sure to toke off the lens cop before toking your picture When toking o picture be sure comero cose or flosh cord does not cover the lens ln corryingthe comerowith everreody cose be sure to fosten the cose to the comero with the screw nut oltoched o ...

Страница 22: ...e r wound into the originol cortridge from the toke upspool The Pox M4 type is equippedwith on originof ly designed obles you to rewind the filmropidly ond surely Press the winding button 3 ond pufI out o smoll cotch on the rewinderwith your firnger noil gnd the cronk shoft wril l come out wit h o pop os shown in the picture r eWinder which es1 ...

Страница 23: ...ens Yellow filters help to bring out the clouds ond ore o must for snow scenesond scenes of the seo shore Green filters lighten red color ond will bring out green in londscopes They ore olso recommendedfor out door portroits IENS HOOD The lens hood is o voluoble lens occessory ond self timer ottochment should be used whenever possible The Pox M4 is designed to use o self timer op the top of shutte...

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Страница 26: ...ochmentLens These lenses were especiolly designedfor use with the Pox comeros offord to Pox comeroowners the odvon toge of interchongeoble lenses ond enoble them to tocklemore odvoncedpho togrophicproblems This lens increoses the oreo coveroge in o photo op proximotely75 See occomponing illustro tion C ...

Страница 27: woy in which noturol unposedpictures con be mode For indoor sports such os bosket boll boxing wrestling etc synchroflosh photogrophy is ideol It is olso suited for photogrophing bobies children ond pets cotching their unpredictoble octivities protecting them ogoinst the uncomf ortoble heot ond glore of photofloods ...

Страница 28: ... their exposure guidesprovide o foctor number usuollyreferred to os Guide Numberlof oll bulb As on exomple of how it works let us ossumethot you hove decided to use o flosh bulb with o Guide Number of 80 ot I 0 feet Divided l0 the distonce in feetl into 80 lthe Guide Numberl ond you get 8 or t 81 the correct lens opening to use SETECTING FLASH BULBS FOR YOUR Pox M4 There ore three generol closses ...

Страница 29: ... the Pox M4 STEP BY PROCEDURE FOR FLASH PICTURE WITH FTASH BULBS O Set g synchro setection lever ot l 9l setting O Focus Pox M4 on subiect with ronge finder O Reodoff the distonceto the subiect O Set shutter speed O Colculote the lensstop using the flosh bulb Guide Number Set the lensstop O Insert floshbulb ond toke the picture rO AVOID MISFIRE l I Botteries should olwoys be fresh ond when not in ...

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Страница 31: ... you con see inside oonther smoll screw Turn this screw clockwise or unticlockwise to olign the rongefinder imogeverticolly Forhorizontololignment odiust the screw which is occessible through the smoll hole found in the inside bock in the frome locoted between the lens ond film plone A distont chimney or o telephonepole is ideol for viewing during correction ...

Страница 32: ...cture size 24 x 36 Dimention 3 3 8 long ond 2 1 1 1 6 h i s h 1 2 lbs in weight Rewind Cronk shoft rewind 14 l i l i rABLEFOR DEprH OF FOCUSt 45 F d 1 2 9 l L e n g t h f e e t f Diophrogm 5 6 lj i lront t I back g I Yo Iiront 11 I back I tront 16 bu t I tront 2 3 81 2 47 t 3 ft 4 6l8ltzlzolrol t4 53 22J8 Sr 4370lbdr 66 13 00 19 2336 90 eae l a gg i 6 16I 82 5 06 8 78 13 90 33 6 3 3 1 4 5 5 15 6 1...

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