Air tools require lubrication throughout the lifetime of the tools. The air motor and bearing uses
compressed air to power the tool, due to the moisture of the compressed air will rust the air
motor and other parts in side of the tools, therefore lubrication is required daily. Failure to
lubricate the air tool properly will dramatically shorten the life of the tool and will void the
This air tool requires lubrication BEFORE initial use, also before and after each
additional use.
To lubricate the air tool manually:
Remove any attachment on the drive of air tools, such as: sockets, chisels and etc.
Disconnect the tool from the air supply source, place the air inlet faces up.
Depress the trigger or throttle and place about 5 c.c. of air tool oil into the air inlet.
(Depressing the trigger or throttle will help circulating oil in the motor.)
#10 weight oil if air tool oil is not available.
Keep out of the reach of children. If taken internally, do not induce vomiting, call
a doctor immediately.
Connect the tool to air source, cover the exhaust end with a towel and run for about 20 to
30 seconds.
Any excess oil in the motor is immediately expelled from the exhaust port. Always
direct exhaust port away from people or objects.
The air tool must be lubricated before storing. Follow the “Lubrication” instruction with
exception of step 4.
Danger alerts you to a hazard that WILL result in death or serious injury.
Warning alerts you to a hazard that COULD result in death or serious injury.
Caution alerts you to a hazard that MAY result in minor injury.
Before each use:
Drain water from air compressor tank and condensation from air lines. (Please refer to air
compressor’s operation manual.)
Lubricate the tool. (Please refer to the “Maintenance” section in the manual.)
Select the required grinding stone, the mandrel of grinding stone has to match with the
size of the collet on the air grinder.
Loosen the collet nut on the air die grinder with the wrench supplied, then insert desired
grinding stone into the collet and tighten collet nuts.
Connect air grinder to air source with the hose of recommended size.
To use:
Turn on the air compressor and allow its tank to be filled.
Set the air compressor regulator to 90 PSI. This air grinder operates at a maximum of 90
PSI. air pressure.
Depress the throttle control lever to start operating the tool.
Release throttle control lever in order to stop the tool.
Fix/take away the insert tool