TX6n/5n/4n Reference Manual
About the documentation
This manual mainly explains operation and specifications for the TX6n, TX5n, and TX4n (subsequently referred
to as TXn) power amplifiers. When using the TXn, you will also need to consult various manuals other than this
Manuals other than this document
PDF manuals and Amp Editor can be downloaded from the following URL.
• In order to view the downloaded manuals, Adobe Reader must be installed in your computer. If you don’t have
Adobe Reader, please access the Adobe Corporation’s website at the following URL, and download Adobe Reader
(free of charge).
For details on setting up the TXn and Amp Editor, refer to the “TX6n/5n/4n Owner’s Manual” and “Amp Editor
Owner’s Manual.”
TX6n/5n/4n Owner’s Manual (printed)
Explains mainly the initial setup.
Amp Editor Installation Guide (PDF)
Explains the installation procedure for Amp Editor and the uninstallation
Amp Editor Owner’s Manual (PDF)
Explains how to use Amp Editor.