C r e a t i n g O r i g i n a l A c c o m p a n i m e n t P a t t e r n s
Source chord
Select a Pattern Track and its “User” Phrase
Move the cursor to the track you want to create an original
phrase for. To create a bass phrase, for example, select the “BA”
(Bass) track. Then use the [+1] key to select the user phrase for
that track (“Us- -001” for Intro section’s D1 track through “Us- -
048” for Ending section’s C4 track, depending on the selected
section and track.) If the track you intend to record is empty, you
need not select the user phrase for that track.
“User” phrase
Before engaging the record mode you can also set the micro-keyboard
“velocity” via the “VEL” parameter in the upper right corner of the
display. The velocity can be set in ten levels — the more bars the
higher the velocity. There are also four “randon velocity” settings
which produce different degrees of random velocity variation. “R1
produces the smallest variation and “R4” produces the greatest
You can also set the micro-keyboard’s octave before engaging the
record mode by pressing [OCT UP] or [OCT DOWN] key.