Selecting and Playing Styles
Stop the style.
You can do this in one of three ways:
Pressing the [START/STOP] button
The rhythm/accompaniment stops playing immediately.
Using an Ending section
Press the [INTRO/ENDING] button. The style stops after the Ending sec-
tion is finished.
Pressing the [SYNC START] button
This stops the style and automatically enables Sync Start, letting you re-start
the style by simply playing a chord or key in the ACMP section of the key-
board (or any key when accompaniment is off).
Changing the Tempo
The Tempo of song (and style) playback can be adjusted over a range of 40 - 240
bpm (beats per minute). For instructions on changing the Tempo, see page 31.
Style Sections (Main A, Main B) and Fill-ins
While the style is playing you can create dynamic variation in the rhythm and
accompaniment by pressing the [MAIN/AUTO FILL] button. This switches
between the Main A and Main B sections, automatically playing a fill-in pattern to
smoothly lead into the next section. For example, if the Main A section is cur-
rently playing, pressing this button automatically plays a fill-in pattern, followed
by the Main B section.
You can also select either the Main A or B section to start by pressing the [MAIN/
AUTO FILL] button before starting the style.
• To have the Ending section grad-
ually slow down (ritardando) as it
is playing, press the [INTRO/
ENDING] button twice quickly.
• Each style has been given a
default or standard tempo. When
style playback is stopped and a
different style is selected, the
tempo returns to the default set-
ting of the new style. When
switching styles during playback,
the last tempo setting is main-
tained. (This allows you to keep
the same tempo, even when
changing styles.)
• You can also use the convenient
Tap Tempo function to change
the tempo by “tapping” a new one
in real time. (See page 44.)
• Fill-in patterns are not available
when one of the Pianist styles
(#081 - #100) are selected.