Motif ES & PLG150-AN
Power User Plus Pack:
34 AN PLG_USR Voices
25 Performances
The PLG150-AN is an extremely powerful plug-in board for use in any of the Modular Synthesis Plug-in
System products. This set of sounds was developed specifically for the original Motif and takes advantage of
the fact that there are multiple technologies at play and multiple clocks. The data is provided so that you can
look at (and hopefully learn from) the analog sounds in the AN EXPERT EDITOR. You can also see how the
Custom Board Voices (created with the AN EXPERT EDITOR) are molded into Motif ES PLUG-IN Voices (when
you add Effects and Controllers to a “BOARD Voice” it becomes a “PLUG-IN Voice”). Then the PLUG-IN VOICE
is placed into a PART of a Motif ES PERFORMANCE. The PLG150-AN has its own clock that can run either an
arpeggio or an ‘old school’ Step Sequencer. The Step Sequencer is used to create Patterns with the analog
modeled Voices and these are then synced to the Motif ES clock (MIDI) and combined with the Motif ES
arpeggiator and synchronizable LFO and synchronizable Effects of the Motif ES. I originally wanted to do just
16 Voices and 16 Performances, but frankly I was having so much fun I couldn’t stop myself. Hopefully these
will give you some ideas and then you can go and build your own custom AN Board Voices, add Motif ES
parameters and turn them into custom Plug-in Voices and then combine them with internal sounds into
custom Performances.
The PLG150-AN board is part of what Yamaha calls the Modular Synthesis Plugin System. This board is
equally at home in a range of products…CS6x, CS6R, S80, S30, S90, Motif, Motif ES and even the XG
modules. To gain a deeper understanding of the PLG150 see the GETTING STARTED Power User guide
located at
in the Behind the Manual Section of the site. This article assumes you are
somewhat familiar with the architecture of the PLG150-AN.