Descriptions of all parameters and
details about how to access and
manipulate them are provided in the
appropriate sections herein. Also see
the Blank Chart on page 65.
System Settings
The P-150’s overall System settings encompass those “global” parameters which
are related to the instrument as a whole, and which therefore affect both Voice
Play and Performance Play modes.
These include master tuning, MIDI transmit enable, MIDI filter transmit and receive
parameter settings, MIDI program change table settings, and others.
On, Off
• Master Tune
• Reverb Bypass
• Device Number
• MIDI Merge
• Performance Enable
• Popup Time
• Store Type
• Transmit
• Receive
• Transmit Number, Bank
Select Number
• Receive Number
Editing and Storing Features
When the P-150 is in Edit mode, you can access and modify the System and other
A convenient Auto Store feature (which you can disengage) automatically stores
the System settings and other parameters as you change them. Within either
Voice Play mode or Performance Play mode, you can store the current set of all
settings as a User Performance.
There is a fine distinction between Voice Play mode store and Performance Play
mode store functions. In Voice Play mode, you can overwrite the current set of
Voice and Performance parameter settings. In Performance Play mode, you can
select a specific destination Performance in which to store the current
Performance parameter settings. Therefore, if you select a destination
Performance in which to store the current Voice Play mode Performance
parameter settings, you are storing it in the Performance Play mode.
You will find it most convenient to set up your Performances in Voice Play mode,
Auto Store status, since voice selection is so simple, then copy it to one of the 24
Performance memories for instant recall when you need it.
By switching into Non Auto Store status, you can be sure that your Performances
are protected, and any changes you make in one will not be applied unless you
specifically store, or overwrite, it. In Edit mode, the P-150 will prompt you
automatically whether or not to overwrite the current changes.
You can also dump Performance data to and from external MIDI devices.