N3, N2, N1, NU1
The N3, N2, N1, and NU1 have the same piano action as an acoustic piano but utilize shank stoppers instead of strings.
The shank stoppers are positioned so that the timing that the hammer shank contacts the stopper matches the timing that the hammer
head would contact the string in an acoustic piano. Methods for finding if dimensions match standard criteria for the shank stopper such
as hammer let-off and hammer stop are given below. Other standard dimensions and techniques for making adjustments are the same as
for a typical acoustic piano.
Hammer let-off 1 mm
Check the gap between the shank and shank stopper via Silent let-off.
N3 N2 N1
Hammer head tip position when hammer shank is lightly touching
the cushioning material.
Above 1 mm
Above 1 mm
Hammer stop 12 mm
Use a ruler or scale to measure the distance in standard units from the top of the
hammer head with the hammer shank lightly contacting the cushioning material,
to the top of the hammer head when caught by the back check after tapping the key.
Space is limited here so after finding the dimensions remove the hammer sensor
unit and shank stopper if necessary.
Hammer leveling (striking distance) 46 mm
Set the striking distance to about 46 mm after checking the movement strength.
With the hammer shank lightly contacting the cushioning material the same as for
checking the hammer stop, use a ruler or scale to measure the distance from the top
of the hammer head and find the dimensions in standard units. The shank stopper
moves in a straight line so a hammer height with a low pitch will be the same for
other pitch ranges.
Hammer let-off 1 mm
Hammer stop 8 mm
The distance from hammer let-off to hammer stop is
the distance between the shank stopper lower edge and
the hammer shank.