MOX6/MOX8 Reference Manual
Song Mode
During Song Recording
In Realtime recording, the editable parameters during recording are in the [F1] SETUP display, [F2] VOICE display, and
[F3] ARP ED display of the Song recording standby mode. In Step recording, the displays shown during recording are
different from the Song recording standby mode. The following parameters can be edited during recording.
This is the display in which notes are “placed” during step recording. When the meter is 4/4, the display is divided into
four beats (one measure). Each diamond-shaped marker in the display represents one 32nd beat (each 1/4 note
division is divided into eight 32nd beats). For example, if the following rhythmic pattern “
” is entered in 4/4
time, a display like the one shown above right will appear.
Determines the data-entry position. The triangular pointer above the beat graph indicates the data-entry position. To
move the pointer right or left, use the [INC] and [DEC] buttons or the [DATA] dial.
When the Event to be entered ([F1] SETUP
Event) is set to “note,” this value specifies the velocity with which the note
will be entered.
When the Event is set to “note”: 1-127, kbd, rnd1 – rnd4 1 – 127, kbd, rnd1 – rnd4
When the Event is set to “p.bend”: -8192 – +8191
When the Event is set to “CC (Control Change 001 – 119)”: 000 – 127
When the Event is set to “tempo” with RecTrack = tempo: 005 – 300
You can select “kbd” (keyboard) and “rnd1” – “rnd4” (random1 – 4) as well as the values 1 – 127 when the Event to be entered
is set to “note.” When “kbd” is selected, the actual playing strength will be entered as the velocity value. When one of the
random settings is selected, a random velocity value will be entered.
This indicates the “size” of the current recording step time for the next note to be entered, and determines to what
position the pointer will advance after a note has been entered. You can set this parameter also by using the Note Type
selection window called up via the [SF6] button.
0001 – 0059, 32nd note, 16th note triplet, 16th note, 8th note triplet, 8th note, 1/4 note triplet, 1/4 note, half note, whole note
“Gate time” refers to the actual length of time the note sounds. For the same quarter note, for example, a long gate time
will produce a slur while a short gate time will produce a staccato effect. This allows you to produce slurs, staccato
notes, etc. Gate time is indicated as a percent value of the step time.
1% – 200%
Song selection
] (Play)
Pointer indicating the current note position.
Beat Graph