Yamaha MCX-2000 - MusicCAST Digital Audio Server Скачать руководство пользователя страница 140

Содержание MCX-2000 - MusicCAST Digital Audio Server

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Страница 2: ...irming Network Status 44 Updating CHent Firmware 45 Specifications 113 2 r l CX 2000 Ov ner s v1Gnuo Table of Contents 2 Applications 46 f jetwork Basics 23 Preface 3 Configuring Your MusicCAST Network ao n 23 Preparations and Setup 7 f 32 84 85 Operating a Client Remotely 87 Seiectino the Client u jio Source 88 Setting the TitTIer PlayLJack B9 Other Features 91 Setting Date and rme 91 Using trle ...

Страница 3: ...CX 2000 Audio CD Tuner Casette tapes MCX C15 MCX A10 with optional speakers Original CD Casette deck Rrsloes Thank you and congratulations on your purchase of the Yamaha MCX 2000 Digital Audio Server The MCX 2000 is a rnusic server that enriances the concept of 1usicCAST a digital rnusic jelivery rnethod over a personal netvvork fv1usicCl ST clelivE rs a ne fl listening style for tile digital era ...

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Страница 5: ...ongs to a CD page 73 Duplicating a Music CD page 71 MCX 2000 Original CD MCX 2000 Owner s iv1onuol 5 Audio Recording Functions Trle MCXo 2000 incorporates a larDf J capacity 160C18 lard disk clr ive ailo Ning up to 200 hours of ciigital recording in linear PCivl fon nat 16 bit 44 1 kHz or up to 2 000 hours in iv1P3 format 160kbps bit rate Recordable audio sources 1nciude cornn18rc al music CDs ext...

Страница 6: ...r each 1usicCAST devlce Setting the Timer Playback page 89 Using the Timer Playback page 97 MCX 2000 Music Streaming Functions Once sonDs are archived recorcied on the J1C X 2000 f larcJ drivel you can stream tr lEH11 to up to 15 clients via tIle f usicCAST netv 1ork The viCX 2 OO can deliver the sarne rnusic to each cHent sinlultaneouslY broadcast It can also deliver cHffererlt sonDs to different...

Страница 7: ...ailed infon nation of each clienfs status in the CHent Control screen fvlCX 2000 Owner s v1c H luol 7 Pregaralions and Selug This section explains how to connect peripheral devices to your MCX 2000 and set it up as a music server and how to create a MusicCAST network in conjunction with clients MCX A10 or MCX C15 sold separately Panel Descriptions MCX 2000 Front Panel f I fi I I o STANDBY ON butto...

Страница 8: ...c onnect a PS 2 mouse to this port Typin l Text Charactet s page 75 8 i 1 CX 20CO Ov ner s ivlofiuol o RADIO button PrE SS this tju tton to fast access the bst selected radio station Every tirne yeu press ttlis button the radio type cycles through FM X lt Internet Radio and Presets XM 1S for US mOdE 1 only E Cursor controller Delivers t he sall1e functions with t he cent er controller on the rer n...

Страница 9: ...nd tr1e back panel o AC IN socket Connect the supplied povver cable rlere MCX 2000 Owner s f1onuol 9 Back Panel o W_lAN ANT A movable antenna for the wireless network J jhen you stream a udio to cHents over the vvin ess netvv ork adjust the antenna anglo for best f sults AvoicJ using exce s sive ferce when moving the a ntenna FMANT e XM jack US model only If you live in the United States and vvant...

Страница 10: ... S port for S VIDEO The VIDEO and S VIDEO ports output the same displays 10 MCX 2000 Ov ner s Monuoi G ANALOG OUT jacks stereo o OPTICAL OUT jack stereo udio playback si jnals on the MCX 2000 are output fron thpse jacks Use the suppEed optical di Jital cable or one Jurcha ed separately to connect the OPTICAL OUT jac to a diQital audio input on an external device Use the supplied stereo p n car le ...

Страница 11: ...ccess the Top Menu screen whatever su een is shown on the TV n1onitoL rvlCX 2000 Owner s 1 1onuol 11 Panel Descriptions Remote Control e e 4D4DG e o IR transmitter Infrared IF remote control signals are transn ltted from here VVhen oporatin J th rernote control point this part at the iR r ecelver on the tarf1el unit o PLAY INFO button Press this t utton to show the Play Information sonq data scn e...

Страница 12: ...g the MCX 2000 operatiPD modes Operation Modes on the r 1CX 2000 pa Je 14 12 MCX 200C Ov ner s Monuo e Playback control buttons You can control playback on the CX 20 O usin J Pause button DO to pause or resume playback of the current sonfJ Skip bacKward hutton i kJ to go to the beginning of the xevious song or the current song dudn l playback Skip fOfvvard button f t i to fJO to the beginning of t...

Страница 13: ...e T display connection to the T nlonitor has been successfuL Top menu v _ X 2000 Owner s fv1cmuol 13 Connecting External Devices Connect all relevant devices ret 3rrinq to the section Panel D 1scr ptions H pa Je 7 and trle setup illustrat on below J1ake sure each c evice is turned off before rnaking connect1ons IN Audio pin cable supplied _ _ _ Video pin cable supplied Power cable should be connec...

Страница 14: ...CX 2000 T 1e unit is c Jes1gneci foHowinQ column for more inro ll ation 14 MCX 2000 Ovvner s vlonuol Y JU can call up any necessary operation by seiecting a menu iten I frorn the Top iv1enu In addition vvhen you turn on the v1CX 2000 for the first tirne after purcr1ase or after tr18 systern r JS 0t operation paqe 103 the Easy Setup screen pa le 27 vvil appear instead of tti8 Top r Jlenu screen 1 J...

Страница 15: ...fVh 2000 OVJner s Monuol 15 fVh 2000 OVJner s Monuol 15 ...

Страница 16: ... to the IR receiver on the C 2000 front paneL MCX 2000 Remote control 16 r CX 20CO C v ner s v1Gnual Remote Control Features and Operations You can use the suppHed r 3rnote control to do rnost of tr18 tv 1CX 2000 operations such as seI8ctn J a rnenu itern or deternlining a setting value Pr epare the remote control before operations Setting Batteries Set atterif3s insic E the rernote contt ol as St...

Страница 17: ...nwa 96 1 _ _ i __ __ f _ i Panasonic 3 1 35 36 53 I Philco 25 39 97 I rvlCX 2000 OVjner s MonUClI 17 Using as a Universal Remote Control T e suppHee rer note control can e useel as a ulliversal rrlulti platforrrl r EHilote control letting you operate TV rnonitors fronl other nlanufacturers The remote control supports TV nlonitors from rnanufacturers brands in tile foUovJing list So if your TV ITIO...

Страница 18: ...e in tl e above steps Use tl 8 ene that LJ8st Norks fer your TV monitor 18 t CX 200C C vner s MonU01 Philips 25 Pioneer 26 35 5 6B Portland 56 97 Proscan 21 31 41 51 93 Proton 50 t30 70 97 Quasar 34 35 Radio Shack 87 93 9 7 RCA 21 34 56 57 58 93 97 r Runco 20 30 1 19 71 92 92 6 2 79 39 97 66 69 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ 9 7 SABA 23 65 Sampo 80 Hi Samsung 39 4 9 Sanyo 33 73 Schneider jt3 Scott 97 Sharp...

Страница 19: ...ontrol MCX 2000 CLIENT STATUS 1 2 3 4 5 ll 1 7 B a 1 9 t 10_ PUSH SELECT MCX 2000 OVJner s Monuol 19 Menu Operation Basics The J1CX 2000 r as a rnenu tree that categorizes all cornrnands functions and settinqs relevantly You can access thern y sirnpiy selecting a necessa y menu itern starting vvith Top t Jlenu For exarnple if you vvant to listen to a fllusic CD select Library frorn Top t v enlL an...

Страница 20: ... see the fol O Ning Subrnenu cornrnands frorn the CD sonq list Scr een 20 MCX 2000 Owner s ivlonuc11 4 Now you jearneci hOVJ to go f ack and forth f etvveen screens Re select Library from Top iv1enu and t len select CD as tarqet audio source Your T J rnonitor and the built in display vvill srlOW a list of son s frorn tile rnusic CD TV monitor Built in display Top t 1enlJ Library Recording Client C...

Страница 21: ... to the jjC 2000 r 1enu tree on the next paQe to locate each functior l MCX 2000 Ov ner s f1onuol 21 Submenu is context sens tive so available rnenu cornmancfs Illay change depending on vvh ch screen or itern you open the rnenu frorn You can alvvays do relevant operatons to trie current sE 1 ection such a s sonq playback or recor d ing Nhen you open tile Subnienu from the CD son 1list screen file ...

Страница 22: ... page 1 3 System Update pa js 3 Lock Function pags 4 Easy Setup paqe 27 22 MCX 2000 vner s lv lonuoi MCX 2000 Menu Tree This f 1elpfu rTl 1nu tree shovvs all of tf le operation screens of the r v1CX 2000 in hierarchicai order Page nurnbe1 s a1 1 given for convenient reference 1 lburns Genres Top Menu Library Music Archive Artists pago lCy 1 11 Son Js _ __ Playlists Bookmarks Stat 5tics Network Con...

Страница 23: ... is to cieterrnine and asslgn a unique host address to each of tr 1enl MCX 2000 OVJner s i 1onuol 23 Configuring Your MusicCAST Network After connecting necessary devices and cables to the MCX 2000 music server and clients optional MCX A10 or MCX C15 or both you can now configure a MusicCAST network customized for your specific needs The MusicCAST network uses standard wired and wireless PC networ...

Страница 24: ... et j V8 Ys use 8 router to bridge your v1us cCAST network end the 1nternet 24 MCX 20CC v ner MonUOl During auton latic configuration of a f JlusicCJAST netvvork the J1CX 2000 utilizes a tecllnique caned DHCP Dynafllic t lost Confi Juratlon Protocol to assign a unique IP addr ss to each cI Gnt DHCP sen er feature and define vJhere ttl Y are in the v1usicCA ST netvvorl Once the fllusic server and c...

Страница 25: ... fvlusicCP ST netv orks are easily configured using Easy Setup page 27 MCX 2000 OVJner s 1 1onuol 25 Configuring a MusicCAST only Network The sirnp est and 1asiest vvay is to net Nork the J1CX 2000 and its clients in a vvirek3ss confiquration In a vVlfeless fvlusicCAST netv jork the fvlCX 2000 can stream n lusic to up to five cHents Nithin a range of 30 rneters from the server This is idea for rno...

Страница 26: ...fv1usicC ST netvvorks are easily configur ed uSllig Easy Setup page 27 26 v CX 20DD Ov ner s vlGnuo1 Configuring a MusicCAST Network for PC Network and Internet Access Recent y rnany people are 0njoying rnuslc using their cornputers If you re rnanagino a rnusic collr0ction on a Vindovvs PC you can also Hsten to songs from tile co lection on the MC 2000 To enable this just start netvvorking betvv e...

Страница 27: ...Jes For details see the guide rnessages shovvn in each Easy Setup screen MCX 2000 Ov ner s Mcmuol 27 Using Easy Setup You have many options to set up the MCX 2000 setting parameters and they serve as switch or data to make the MCX 2000 the best music server for you So you need to understand what each parameter does and set it up appropriately to create your MusicCAST network as purposed You can ma...

Страница 28: ... without ciients F C and internet Easy Setup finishes With this screen 28 r Cx 20CO OV fner s Monuol Easy Setup Overview Date and Time tvlove the highlight to a paran leter you VJant to eelit and press the SELECT button Scroll anej cfisplay a desired value anrJ deterrn ne it using the SELECT button ilJISj The fv 1CX OOO can get a n acci iI clte time fron a pi l lic rime serv er on the Internet pag...

Страница 29: ...k connections Your diagrarn rnay be different fror n the foHO lving ones MC 2000 Owner s 1 1onuol 29 Network Connection with clients S jlect frorn rv1uS CCl ST Only no PC or Internet access or PC l jetvvork Integration to enable PC or Internet access Network Configuration Available network configuration options may vary according to your selections Select fronl f utornatc vvith Internet access l u...

Страница 30: ...e page 45 Easy Setup finlshes vVllen Hlese processes are all cor1 1plete 30 MCX 20CO vvner s v1onUOl For the MCX 2000 to access the Internet via an existing PC network ccordinD to the cjia yanl connect the fv1C 2000 EHlernet port to the netvvork hub or the orle equippecl vv ith your router using a standard nehrvork cable CAT5 straifJrlt cable Also connect ali N red clients using a netvvork cable f...

Страница 31: ...f its ciiunts toq ther in one place to rnake these processes easier rv lC 2000 OV ine s l v1onuol 31 Automatic Configuration of a MusicCAST Network Your MusicCAST network is created when you register clients to the MCX 2000 Once this process is complete the MCX 2000 and clients can quickly resume network connections even after you reconnect their power cable or awake the MCX 2000 from standby mode...

Страница 32: ...t to set up an exten ai DHCP se ver A uto _ Or 1 j ural ion is canceled 32 r CX 20CO Ov ner s MonUOl Preparation on the MCX 2000 1 Select Top rv1enu Setup etvvork 2 Fron the Netvvork menu select Client Registration Auto Configuration 3 Open the Subrnenu in the Auto Configuration screen Select Start frorn the rnenu MCX 2000 continues searching clients for 30 minutes VVhe11 ttle MCX 2000 starts sear...

Страница 33: ...h client you can start autonlatc configuration of a AusicC A ST net vork MC 2000 OV iner s Monuol 33 Preparation on Each Client 1 Turn on the client Trle front panE 1 display Iiqhts up shO vving the irdtial screen foHovved by a hConnecting I rnessage ilJl8j If the ciient display sho lv s tr l 3 Cl IfTE mt time vithout 8ckiight irs in sleep mode If this is tt 18 C8se pmss tt 1e center sUck orrhe cu...

Страница 34: ... first hne your clients ml Jst l ie upci3ted tJefor e actual use page 45 34 MCX 20CO Ov ner S M 1nuo Automatic Registration of Clients Before configurinn a f r1usicCl ST network thrOU lh autoll i3tic Client ReQistration e sure to connect any vv red clients to the netvvor 11Ub connected to trie fv1CX 2000 If you lvant to inte ltate your fvlusicCAST netv Jork into an existinfj PC rH3t fJork conl18ct...

Страница 35: ...wn your netvvork plan lith appropriate values III the fo lovving cl lart MCX 2000 OVJner s Monuol 35 Manual Configuration of a MusicCAST Network There may be a case you need to assign a fixed IP address to the MCX 2000 and clients to integrate a MusicCAST network into a PC network that has no DHCP serverM You can solve it by manually configure some or all of network parameters of the MCX 2000 and ...

Страница 36: ...u tho Network Setti gs R set cOlr n k1n j fruIT1 tho above Ot iU page 100 36 MCX 2000 O vner s Monuo System Unique Information Server Client 10 SettinrJ Method IP Address when DHCP is disabled Subnet Mask MCX 2000 Client CHent Client Client 1 2 3 4 Sv CL CL CL CL DHCP Server DHCP Client DHCP Client DHCP Client DHCP Client DHCP Client Manual Manual Manual Manual v anual Specify a valid IP Specify a...

Страница 37: ...r settings are stored you vill return to trle A dvanced Settings rnenu fJ1CX 2000 OVJner s Monuol 37 IP Address o e oSetting Method Specjfies a DHCP operation of the MCX 2000 VVI en the fv1CX 2000 has a vJired connection to a PC net tvork ancl f nds a DHCP server U lere it enters DHCP Iient rnode and gets an IP address frorn the server Accordln Jly cllents tViH also get an IP addr ess from the sam...

Страница 38: ...nstall a wirtJi0 ss access point in is avaHatJie only fOt fv1usicC t ST cHents registered to t1 8 PC Wireless LAN e oWireless LAN If you use the v Jireless functions in your v1usicCAST net t fork or you lave a client vvirelessly communicatng vvith the v1C 2000 specify ON to enable trle Nire ess access point feature built into tIle J1CX 2000 e ESS 10 WEP Key ESS 10 s a n3nle of the vvireless net vo...

Страница 39: ...tomatic registration process settings accorcjing to your speciai needs lCX 2000 OVJner s Iv1cmuol 39 Settings on Each Client 1 Turn on the client The front panel dlSpi8y lights up shovvinSl the initial sc reen roliovvec Jy a Connectin l message jI J I ii If tl 1e client dk r Gl y hows the current time Wit Y1ut t 1cklig lt it s in sleep rnocJe If this is the case press tl 1e center tick of Hie curs...

Страница 40: ...abort your cflange se1ect Cancel or push the controiler stick leftvvard 40 MCX 200C V fner s ivlonuo Mode Meade Wireless Auto Specify hovv tl ls client can connE ct to a J1uSiCCI ST net fJork VVith V JireiE ss its Nireless netvvork port is only enabloej jisabling its Nired Etrlernet netv lork port f Jith f utO the client connects to the r CX 2000via either active net Jvork port factory settirl J V...

Страница 41: ...u aboti your chanDe select Cancel or push Hle controHer stick lefhrvard V1CX 2000 O vner s 1onuol 41 DHCP DHCP OFF ON Specify O J to autornatically get an IP address frorY tIle v X 2000 or a DHCP server or an equivalent router function in your PC netvvork factory setting or OFF to rnanualiy specify on tliis client VVI cHi you select FF you neee to specify appropriate values to tile IP A cJdress an...

Страница 42: ...an L II Ii VV rec i ooniy clients MCX C15 don t r1 we tr is pararneter 42 r y CX 2000 v ner s MonUOl ESSID ESS ID ESS 10 MM99999 l Save 8 Network restart Cancel Specify the ESS 10 for the wireless netv ork createej lly tile tar let j1CX 2000 You can confirnl trle tv1CX 2000 ESS 10 by seiectinrJ Top v1enu Setup Net NOrk Advarlced Settin Js Wireless L f N Vv tlen you have finishedl select and cieter...

Страница 43: ... numbers correspond to tr18 front panel CLlEf jT STATUS inctcators rV1CX 2000 OVJner s iv10r 1uol 43 Manual Registration of Clients Unlike autornatic registration page 34 configuring a 1usicCAST netvvor t lrougrl r nanual registrat10n is cor npletecJ viith setup on H18 J1CX 2000 only 1 Select Top v1enu Setup Network 2 Frorn the et york menu select Client Configuration v1anual Configurat on 3 Input...

Страница 44: ...first tirl e your c ionts nu t be updated before actual use pi3 0e 45 44 r v CX 20CC C v ner s Manual 1ove Hie Il1gf light selecton using the up anci dovv n arrO N buttons on the cursor controller press the SELECT button to SE IGct a colurnn Input a 5 di Jit 10 nurnber after CL_H Use trle left and riqht arrovv buttons to rnove betvv 8E 1n diqits and the up and eJoVJn arrO N buttons to select a cha...

Страница 45: ... lith the and then update your client firrnwe re with the above procedure 1CX 2000 Owner s Monuol 45 Updating Client Firmware To fuliy enjoy rnusic strearnjnq over 1 jv1usicC AST netvvork you rnust first update all of your v1usicC ASTcljents to rnatch up to the latest features the JiCX 2000delivers Update each client nrmvvare in the foHovJing procedure You don t need to operate tr lf v1CX 2000 If ...

Страница 46: ...op fV1enu Library J1usjc Archive to open the follovJ ng J1us c rchive rnenu screen Music Archive menu Applications Once you ve finished setting up your MCX 2000 and MusicCAST clients you can start using it as a music server This section explains how you can play and record audio sources on the MCX 2000 and stream music to the clients over the MusicCAST network Playing Audio Sources The t v CX 2000...

Страница 47: ... 4 Starting frorn AH Songs select Blue in Black frorn the song list J1CX 2000 O vner s lv 1onuClI 47 2 From th s rnenu screen you can select an archived song in a Sp 3Cific category Try trackinq down eacrl cat jqorj frorn the flienu The first four categories Artists bUfT1S Genres and 1I Sonqs let you sJt applicable sonqs out frorn the fllusic archive For exaniple a song titleeJ Blue in Black frorn...

Страница 48: ...Nise pr 0SS the SELECT button on the rernote control for further sifting 48 MCX 2000 O vner s Monuol 1 Ciass cai 8 Songs 1 Aulurnn U aves 2 Sing Sing Sing 3 Softly As Morning Sun 4 Blue in Green 5 Autumn leaves 2 5 Albums 1 Autumn Leaves 2 Bugs GroC I1 3 3 Cherokee 4 Days of Booze Roses 5 Epitaph a 2 Electronic 3 Jazz 4 Flock f 4 Genres Statistics Bookmarks Playlists Ail Songs Albums Genres Artisl...

Страница 49: ...V1CX 2000 Ow ner s Mcmuo 49 V1CX 2000 Ow ner s Mcmuo 49 ...

Страница 50: ...y betvveen elapsecI or renlaining tirne Bookmark f d s or t ernoves the Jookrrark to the urrent song Adding a Bookmark to a Song Startin J frorn ont of the four categories in the Jlusic rchive menu you can continue sifting and finally reach a song level list vievv Press trle BOOK J1AI K button on the rernote contra or select Bookrnark fron l t le Tool rnenu l sky blue arrovv apPE 1arS at the left ...

Страница 51: ...1 or 8PC DC ST bunon on t 18 emote controi for a rele v ant 018 log OX V1C 2000 OVJner s fv1onuol 51 Broadcast Streams a song currently p ayed on the CX 2000 to 1usicCf ST c ients spec fied in a dialoq box page 89 Recall Play j1akes the 1C 2000 start continu8el playback of a song current y play ng on a cllent specified in a jiaioD box page 90 of playback patterns L y COITI rJHi J rncdes In additio...

Страница 52: ... 2 toiciers think you laVe albums in the iistecJ or der Ignore each foider s i ier3rC1 icai position 3 Vvhen you set a rnusic CDI a Reacling data message appears in the screen and the r CX 2000 star1s querying the COOS database See tIle COOS logo anirnation shovvn in tt le upper left corner of the screen If appropriate CD data is found the Iv1CX 2000 fviil present a CO sonq list o e e e o Album ti...

Страница 53: ...nds for the rnusic archive See Play lnfor mation and Controls page 50 rV1CX 2000 OVJner s iv1onuo 53 From tile folder list vievv you can press the Play button on U le rernote control or s lect Play frorn tIle Subrnenu to start playback frorn the first song in the current folder albun l OU let VJise you can press the SELECT button on Hl8 cursor controller to open tile curroent folder aHJum to see a...

Страница 54: ... tuned in you can also rnanually stop scanning by pressing either group selection button auto tuning Listening to a Radio Broadcast Befon I st ninq to the radio on the r CX 2000 you need to do sarne pr eparation for each radio type connecting the supplied antenna for U 18 Ffv1 radio page 4 or rnakinq the J1CX 2000 accessibie to the Internet if you Vliant to listen to Internet radio broadcasts paf ...

Страница 55: ... signi3 ls tom sky The a ntenn2 may be rnounteej indoors or outdoors iV1CX 2000 OVJner s fv1onuol 55 Every time you press the skip backvJard or forvvarcl f utton l jlt t l you can nlanually decr 1ase or increase the frequency to search for an avaHable staton Manual tuning The Submenu COrril11anClS in the Play lnforrnation screen for tile F radio Playback Provides the sanle tuning and p ayback cont...

Страница 56: ...anne1 first seiect Search ail channeis attempt the above steps once aoain 56 MCX 20CO v ner s MonUOl Activating Your XM Satellite Radio Account To sign up for an Xt v1 Satellite Fiad o service account you need to have your X A Sa teHite Radio 10 nUfllber FoHovv the procedure beloYv to check your 10 nurnber and then access the vvebsite activate xmradio corn or cal 1 800 Xfv1 RADIO 1 800 967 2346 to...

Страница 57: ...song currently playing on a client specified in a c1ialog box page jC MCX 2000 OVJner s v 1onUClI 57 The Subrnenu comrllands in the Play Inforn lation screen for the X v1 radio Playback Prov1des the sarne tuning and playback control functions as availar ie on tlie rerllote control So you can control these functons using the cursor controller on the front pan 31 or frorn a PS 2 keyboarci only vith ...

Страница 58: ...1 Sateilite F adio channel not scrneUrnt S a ailable through a sat elHte 58 MCX 2000 vner s tvlGnUC1 Screen Messages for XM Radio The f v1CX 2000 may shoVJ one of tlle follovJlng rnessages in the P ay Information screen for X radio Read eacll descripton and handle each situation as recomnlended CHECK ANTENNA UPDATING NO SIGNAL LOADING OFF AIR CHANNEL Your X v l Connect and Play antenna is not conn...

Страница 59: ...ddy rG ster a number of FM statons use the FM utCi Preset command oa98 62 MCX 2000 Owner s lonuol 59 Listening to Internet Radio In addition to r etrieving Hie latest CD infornlation fronl the online CODa database paqe 53 and accurate date and tirre data frorn a public tirne server page 91 the v 1CX 2000 can also receive olillne radio roadcasts by accessing to the IntE rTlet Since U lG fv1CX 2000 ...

Страница 60: ...ition you can t dit qroup names USing trlt Eciit title cormnancJ pago 85 60 CX 20CO v ner s iv1onuol 3t2tO tt II r 2i i r ijl it r ttl8 Presets screen pag 3 85 Registered station code FM frequency XM cllannel IR for Internet radio 3 1ove the selection highlight to the ciesirecJ position and then press the SELECT button on the cursor controHer The selectecl position ftashes several times vith a sta...

Страница 61: ...f a song currently IJlaying on a cHent specified in a dialog box page 90 MCX 2000 OVv ner s Monuo 61 2 Press the SELECT button to vie vv a list of radio stations reqistered n trle selected qroup Preset r3 jio stations J1GIi in th s screen can create t Presets list of FM rS dio statior1s uSinq Ule FM uto COmrri3 flcJ from the SLI rnenu 2 Y Ol l can 3iso scM sTation n8 ITleS using the Edt tite COITl...

Страница 62: ...ation vviH be highlighted J1 Ell You can d1s0 edit staton names using the Edit title command page 85 Registering FM Stations Automatically to the Presets List You can search for an FM radio station in the Play Information screen vvhich is a basic radio tunjnq function In the Preset station list screen you can use a similar sCi31lning process to locate all available stations vvithin a specific freq...

Страница 63: ...ong currently playing on a cI ent specified in a dialo j box page 90 rllCX 2000 Owner s fv10rluol 63 1 J1ake SUt e tllat audio si jnai frorn the external clevice are set to an appropriate line 18 veL especially Nhen the output level can be controHecl frorn the cieviee such as a rnixer Playing External Audio Signals I s a niusic server desi ned to seanilessly ir ltegrate all of your audio sourcesj ...

Страница 64: ...te for that son9 addition the MC 2000 G n track tr e music fie 1 iierarchy up to two levels in depth Playing Audio Content on the Computer If your y CX 2000 has net vvcrk connectivrty to a VVhlC lovvs PC page 2 3 that you re using to rnanage rnusic fi es you virtually have a second rnusic server Your f v1CX 2000 Norks as a client to your V J ndo vs PC and can search select and play tv1P31 vviJ j a...

Страница 65: ...l other pes You cannot add folders on a nehvork volur ne to the server rv lCX 2000 Owner s Monuol 65 4 VVhen you start playback of an t1P3 Vvl or tViv1l auelio fHe fr orn the PC the J1CX 2000 shovvs the Play Infor mation screen as follov js o o o Playback rnethods e Stereo level indicators e Category where playback started o Song title e Audio format o Time display G Album title e Artist nanle o C...

Страница 66: ...0 oniy 21 lcJO CDs CD D for sonqs set any CD or DVD ti 8 unit vT shovv CD after attemoting to mad it Recording Audio Sources You can expand your rnusic archive by recordinq or in lporiing songs and other audio prograrns from comrnercial rnusic CDs external audio signals and FtVl radio proqrarrls frorn the built in tuner You can recoreJ tl l8se aueJio sources to tt I J1CX 2000 internal hard drive v...

Страница 67: ...qs Tile v 1C 2000 shovvs a progress bar for each of tile selected songs MCX 2000 Owner s iv1onuol 67 3 The ACX 2000 shovv s Checl ing disc in yeliovv and starts queryinq to tl le CDDB database If appropriate CD data is founeJ the J1CX 2000 tvi present a ist of song nanles o 3 o o A bunl title e Artist name e Categorized genre o Total playback tinle o Track count o Song title 8 Playback time o 4 If...

Страница 68: ...te SG8 EcJiUno sonq elate mtst nmne a bunl or song tile Lilxary pzige 75 68 r CX 20CO Owner s Mcnuol 6 Jhen al selected songs are importedj the JlC 2000 ShO NS the follovvinq dialof box askinq vvhat you lvant to do next Open stored album page Select this to autornatically iocate the alburn you ve just jrnported You can brovvse and play the songs from the all ufTi ike other archived songs pa Je 46 ...

Страница 69: ...rnark at any point using the Track fvlarking con lmand from the Subrnenu MC 2000 Owner s i 1cmuol 69 Recording from FM Radio or External Audio Signals Any inconling audio signals can serve as recordable audio sources for the CX 2000 If you ve appropriateiy set up the FfV1 antenna page 4 o connect external audio equipnlent to U 1E 1 analog and or di ital input jacks paqe 9 you can r c rd their soun...

Страница 70: ...sourco f C l1 l Hie Ubre r i rnenu how ver chan J nD its sottin js dit ectly affects the t ecot ding e SYNCHRO Type TTlis pararneter 1S only available vvhen SYf JCHF C is sE iected for Track tv1arking above Select Full uto if you vvant fully autornatic recordinq Vitri this option selected the fv1CX 2000 starts recording as soon as it eJetects the first track gap frorn incorning signals and in sert...

Страница 71: ... Select Cancel fronl trle Submenu if you vvant to cancel the process rvlCX 2000 Ov ner s v10r lUO 71 7 VVhen the recording is finisheci automatically or manuaHy usinq the relevant Subrnenu cor nrnand you can now ex lt the recording screen to confirrn the recorded results Select Top fVienu Library f usic rchive Statistics Recently Stored lbUfllS In this screen you can locate and confirm vi hat YOl ...

Страница 72: ...ss I I j VVhen you cancelor finisri the YOCeSS the original disc image flie is automatically eraseci 4 VVhen the mage file is created the fv1CX 2000 shovvs the fciHovJing dialog box To continue the process open the tray and set a CD R RVV disc for audio recording vvith hChanqe disc and proceed with recording ll selected Select K in the cjialog box 5 If you set a CD other trlan orle specified the f...

Страница 73: ...e tv1G 2000 Sf 10WS an aiert rnl ssa J8 and r JsCG rds you seiecUoll rJ1CX 2000 Ov ner s fv1onuol 73 Recording Archived Songs to a CD As long as you re keeping PC J1 song data in tr1e tv1C 2000 internal tlard drive factory setting you can create an orlg nal rnusic CD based on a playllst or an alburn frorY l your rnusic archive at any tirne t s another great feature Hie r C 2000 delivers as your rn...

Страница 74: ...01 1 can clear them by e ecting Clear con f l oi S I ll e replace S nd from tiie as in step 3 aLjove 4 A list of songs Nil rJe ShO Nn in vvhite only vhen Ready to record l is shown If you vvant edit the alburn ttle and of artist narne for the CD you re going to create US n l the foliovving t O cornrnands frorY the Subn lenu EiU ler cornrnand opens the character palette So you can type necessary te...

Страница 75: ...flJr ti rl key s ifl Do f eys in a iist vie v ornote c ontroi OXJg d S f 1CX 2000 Owner s v1onuol 75 Editing the Library As you collect rrl0t e rnusic and audio and ex pand your t y C 2000 Ilbrary you may feelilke arranging the content for various purposes for exarnple rnanuaHy edit son J data of your favor1te CD t ecause it s too ne v to etrieve correct clata frorn CDDB or b cause irs a hOrnerYla...

Страница 76: ... of CSV files You can l1T1POrt these files to your spreadsr1eet application for rnanagement purposes Web Browser It you Je configured your J1CX 2000 to be accessible frorY your PC netvvork you can edit existing text nfor mation in your rnusic arcr dve using a standard Neb brovvser tl afs running on a cornputer in the PC letvJork Text information includes song data artist narne alburn titie song ti...

Страница 77: ...s you can access several Subrrenu cornrnands to rranage son J attributes V1CX 2000 Owner s 1onuol 77 Editing Song Data Each archived song lo S unique song data a series of attributes including artist name a burn title genre name and song tit e and you can cornbine these attributes togeHler to use as key vvords vvllen finding a song frorn the rnusic arc ive In that sense sonq data as a corYlbined r...

Страница 78: ...lbum 5 Top v enu Library fV1usic Archive Genres genre list viev I Pop aibunl list Vie N Change Genre Change Artist Lets you change tile artist for the current alburn Ausic Arcrlive Ariists seiect 0d artist s alburn list VI8 N Change Album Lets you change the aiburn for the current sonq tvlusic Arcr1ive Alburrs selected aiburn s sonq list vievv fVlusic Archive rtists 1 lburns selecteci albu Tl s so...

Страница 79: ... in tr18 list view 3Cf On accossod fronl P Menu Ubre ry v1u c LV Songs MCX 2000 Owner s Iv1cmuClI 79 Cl 1an le Geme dialou box In Fie Cllange Genre dialog t ox niove trH selection highliQlit to Fusion and then press the SELECT button on the ren lote control ConfinTl tlie curn3nt albulTl rnoved under Fusion NOV Jj Albums 1 3 and 5 are associated vvith the nev artist Versatile Boss and categorized i...

Страница 80: ...gl and then seiect the lnforrnation comrTland frorn the Subrrenu 80th peM iHHl r 1P3 da a are s ored 5 VVhen the above procedure is finished l select Top 1enu Library Music Arcr Jive Artists for tf le artist list vievv screen Notice that the pre ous artists Jazzy Rocks Jazzy Pops and Pop Fiockers lave no associat 0d albunls or songs Empty _ Jibum and song counls are zero 0 If you have no plan to a...

Страница 81: ...nenu Selected songs viH be deieted trorr the rnusic arch1ve right avvay V1C 2000 Owner s fvlonuol 81 3 Select the Delete PCi v1 data fronl the Subrnenu I dialog box app ars INhere you can specify tar Jet sonqs De ete pef 1 Data Halog bO J 4 ove the selection highHght to a song vvhose PCiv1 data you want to ielete and add a check niark y pressin the SELECT button on the retTlote control You ca n re...

Страница 82: ...he same way U can acJcJ or rol r 10ve frorn a piayiist even when it vvas conv8rlecJ frorn 3 bookmark Using a Playlist Trle playlists on the MC OOO Dive you nevv ancl creative vvays to enjoy the songs you ve stored to your music archive Each playlist sirrply ets you cornbine and arran le archived songs as you like but a finishecl playlist can be used in nlany vvays Not only can playlist songs be pl...

Страница 83: ...Open source Album Opens the alburn associated vviHl the selected song fv lC 2000 Owner s fv1onuol 83 Editing a Playlist Each song title in the playlist is sl npiy a reference point link to its ori inal song elata In other Nords the actual song data is not affected vvhen you add 1 rernove or rnove songs to TrlC playHst only the linj s are changed The fv1CX 2000 even allovvs you to add or rerTlove H...

Страница 84: ...dio station on the vveb Sin 1p y copy its URL and paste t to the s te list opened in a tveb bro vser Registering an Internet Radio Station The fv1CX 2000 conles Nith five Internet radio stations preass gned But not to rnention there re hundrecJs of thousands of onlin radio stations all over trie Internet and you fTay already enjoy sorne of thern on your computer No v you can even add your favorite...

Страница 85: ... did in step 2 above Se ect K in the pa f tte vvhen you finish typin J MCX 2000 Ov ner s fv1onuol 85 Renaming Items from the Radio Presets List You rnay have alr eac y registered a nunlber of radio stations using the Save to Preset cor nnlancJ vvhHe 1istening page 59L or usinq the F A Auto Preset cornrnancl paqe 62 vvrlen you previously opened the Presets list screerl to cover all Fivl stCl tions ...

Страница 86: ... to renarne items on a cornputerj using a Neb bro vvser pa le 6 iistview 86 MCX 200C Ov ner s Monuol 5 VVhen you return to the station list vie fJ repeat step 2 for oHler stations You can repeat steps 2 to 5 above to cornpletely renarne up to 100 radio stations frorn 10 station groups hovlleverj thafs too laborious and tirne consurnin J if you do it at a trne rnuch easier and faster vvay is to ren...

Страница 87: ...h the abo e Een Cient cO u kln j Nii tie reset to t le default Ciit3nt MC 2000 OV Jner s fv1onuol 87 Operating a Client Remotely Jnce you ve created a tv1usicC l ST netv Jork eacrl tvlusicCAST client becornes able to access tile MCX 2000 and srlare nost audio sourc s on the server includinq the nlusic archive FM radio stations and audio signals frorn ext rnal inputs In fact each client autornatica...

Страница 88: ...he 11 8fK i start broadcasting using the ele jant Submenu cornrnand in he F lay Inforr nation screen Selecting the Client Audio Source Furthernion3 vvhen selectino a client by press n 1 Hle SELECT t utton on the renlote control you can spec fy tile audio source to be strearned to trlCit client in triG foHovving screen Client source menu screen This rnenu screen has two sections VVriere you can spe...

Страница 89: ... station to be plaY 0d at the specified trne on tl le specifE 1d date VH X 2000 OVJner s fv1onuol 89 ellenl CUll antly selec ed Timer program list screen settings in Hie tirner pr grarn e xish lg ti 118r proqrarns ltEli VVr He you re editing or simpiy iist Gereer1 the fvlCX 2000 doesn t II5il ntern0L radio stations cannot be selected from the PrGS LS list See also the previous note page 88 For det...

Страница 90: ...90 MCX 2DCC Owner s vlGnuol 90 MCX 2DCC Owner s vlGnuol ...

Страница 91: ...iol L you puLJ ic f JTP server speuf y a private one the same specify a MC 2000 OVJner s lvionuol 91 Other Features Your 1CX 2000 is fully functonal sirnply confiqured j iith Easy Setup But it becomes rnore convenient and usefu if you fne tune the unit to suit your need It you riave a broaclband Internet connection ancl already nlacie it accessible frorn the rY1CX 2000 via your PC netvvork afje 26...

Страница 92: ...pecified format is immediately applied to the time display on the MCX 2000 and each MusicCAST client Setting Date and Time Manually 1 Select Top Menu Setup Date Time Manual Setup to use an NTP ser cr Or j in t e uto screen setup is ck abied You vili see an ale1 rnessa j8 so 2 Change each parameter value as needed and specify the current date and tinle GVear vailable values 2005 2030 factory settng...

Страница 93: ...ont panel This 1S an essental setting for your keyboard to proper y fvork MCX 2000 O vne s Monuol 93 Using the Online COOS Database The jlCX 2000 incorporates a part of Gracenote COOS database and uses it to retrieve and display song data for rnusic CDs factory settin The onHne COOS database iSl hovvever alvv a ys beirlg updated according to the latest CD releases in the Nhok0 lvorld So if you hEl...

Страница 94: ...t1 e MCX OOO continues enter sleep mode VYhen you cper ate the Lho unit cancels the scnJon savm D nO Front Panel Display 1 Frorn the User Interface nlenu select Front Panel Display 2 Change each parameter value as needed o Backlight fvlake the display back light either Bri jrlt or Dark fJ Contrast Set the disp ay contrast as you can clear see it 0 50 factory setting 25 Be sure that an extrernely h...

Страница 95: ... shovvn The MCX 2000 afterward plays archived songs as specified here rvlCX 2000 OVJner s MClnuol 95 Language 1 Frorn the User Interface menu1 select Language 2 You have just one parameter Language for this setting Select your preferred user interface language from the list 3 When you select OK1 the I Saving message is shown When you return to the User Interlace menu confirm the language has chang...

Страница 96: ...elect OK the Saving rnessage is shown The MCX 2000 afterward records audio sources as specified here Selecting Recording Options Regarclless of its type sue as nlusie CO raciio or external input tfl8 tv1CX 2000 records or imports an audio source usinq cornrnon rYianners and forrnats For optirY urY archiving the f CX 2000 provicies tVJO recorcling optons PCtvl is an l Jncornpn0ssl jci raw audio for...

Страница 97: ...tion to reuister a prografT1 Playback timer 1S automatically turned or f lCX 2000 Owner s v1cmuol 97 Using the Timer Playback The J1CX 2000 lets you proqrarn vvhen your favo te rrusic or radio statio l automatically staris play ng using the tinler playback feature It opens rrore possibilities to ho v to use tile MCX 2000 and v usicCi ST ciients in your persona lore or even business If you ve progr...

Страница 98: ...en does I t 3upponecJ Yamahe V receiver to iT essage inste3eJ lot cor lnecteO a You NiH see an alert Using a Yamaha AV Receiver Use an RS 232C cross caL le sold separately and connect FiS 232C ports on both units 1 lso connect the r CX 2000 analog or digital output to suitable input jack s on the AV receiver Note this jack narne because you need to specJy it for the Receiver Input pararneter see b...

Страница 99: ...ilence tr 8 son93 GOn183 rrorn sum und pmgrarn s Jitching arK is normal fvlCX 2000 Owner s Monuol 99 2 Move the selection higtllight to each parameter below and specify how you want both units to work together o Synchronize receiver power ON OFF with the MCX 2000 Select f j if you Nant the A J receiver pO vver rnocJes to rnatch those of tile fv1CX 2000 Vitr j tiliS pararneter enablEHJ the V receiv...

Страница 100: ...s causecJ occur you 1 18 V8 1 Select Top Menu Setup Network Advanced Settings Network Settings Reset Managing an Existing MusicCAST Network f JetvJork activities such as streanling rnus c to cI ents over a fVlusicCl ST net Nork or ed tinD tIle rrusic arcr1ive usinSl a cornputer in a PC netvvork are very essential part of hovv you can use Hie MCX 2000 in your daily life This section explains the fv...

Страница 101: ...ion s especially useful if you re using the ACX 2000 in a pubHc space fjlCX 2000 Owner s 1onLJol 101 2 To initialize the MCX 2000 network parameters and recall their factory settings select the Rest cornmand from the Submenu 3 A confirmation dialog box appears When you select OK the Network rebooting rnessage is stlown and the MCX 2000 restarts itself Vv rien the Top Jlenu SCTeen is shovvn start r...

Страница 102: ...ording tirre varies cjepencjing on tie recording apton settings page 96 102 MCX 20CO wner s ivlonuo1 Viewing System Information MP3 Encode Schedule u Gill Unlike reCOtTtng process YOi i can intern pt conversion process H 8 S r 4 DBY Of button to put the MCX 2000 in conversion pmcess Hie unit may autornatici3 Hy enter sieep tYlode cbesn t autornatc lHy enter staneJbv node Ll 1tii it completf3s conv...

Страница 103: ... f 1usicC L ST net vor k by registering l v1usicCJ ST clients pa Je 27 MC 2000 Ov ner s fv1onuol 103 Resetting the MCX 2000 for Factory Settings Updating the MCX 2000 Firmware 1 From the Systenl Utilities rnenu select Systenl Reset Notes on Firmware update vVhen you update the MCX 2000 firrnware be sure to read the docurnent that comes w th the frrnware update CD This document contain the latest i...

Страница 104: ...tie pass ivorcj iock scrGen In tr e P8 ss lvorci wiil 2dso be r St3t you reset the v1CX OOO page 1 3 Limiting Local Operations on the MCX 2000 1 From the System Utilities rnenu select Lock Function The password entry dialog box appears prompting you to enter a predefined password Select OK after entry Password entry dialog box For password entry use the on screen character palette or a PS 2 keyboa...

Страница 105: ...cs can be played baek on CD RVV cornpatib e players SUCfl as this unit fVlC 2000 Owner s v1onLJol 105 Comgatible Media CO CO R CO RWl Discs that can be used for recording on this unit Be sun3 to use only CD R arid CD RVV cilscs made by reliable rnanufacturers CD R ancj CD RVV digital aucijo discs that display eiUier of the follovving marl s can e used vvith this unit Discs that can be used for rec...

Страница 106: ...use discs printed vvlth cor nmerclally available label printers No II 10 106 MCX 20CO wner s v1Gnuoi Handling of discs jeed the foilovving notes on handling of discs to avoid any cause tor a record ng failure a loss of the recorded jata or a rna1function of this un t This cornpact disc r e corcier is j 3Siqr 0d for use Nitt l CDs includinrJ 8 crn 3 cJiscs IJearing the fi iii R or 1 1 Inarks only f...

Страница 107: ...ic Recognition Service as a source of inforrnation vvhen storing CDs rv lCX 2000 OVJner s Monuol 107 AbDUl Digilal Reco ding witl 1 MusicCASl SCMS Serial Copy Management System f S a eJigital audio cornponent this unit cOliforrris vvith the Serial Copy fv1anagernent Systern SCf v1S standards The SE al Copy ana JemEjntSystenl restricts copies rrlade by recorctnfj di jital signals to first generatio...

Страница 108: ... Confiquration has not klishe 1 You cannot start playback on the clients 108 MCX 2000 Ov ner s MonUOl l OUDlesl1ooling Hefer to the chart t elow vv1len the fV1CX 2000 cJoesn1t appear to e functioning correctly If the prorJiern you are exper1encing is not Hstecl below or if H le instructions listed next to the problern Jon t fielpl et trH3 v1CX 2000 to standby nlocle Jisconnect the povver cable fro...

Страница 109: ... pl 3 yback ailcilor recon iiriD s n utaTleCi US tasks and uniu8 cf Jie MCX 2000 Owner s v1onuol 109 Remedy Edit 1 h text rr anuallv Set the f CX OOO to access the Cmc enote CDDF iiot elisplay Cause The built in Graconole COOS databasc on fvlCX 2000 rna not I i l i n h0 CX 2g D 2 I tt Ud f he r1s wlyk I 98 Iso The MCX 2000 stops storing songs you flo not neecJ or clelete PCfvl prematurely Symptom ...

Страница 110: ...orrectly shown on the MCX 2000 are incorrectly s lown on the client 110 r CX 20DC O t ner S lv lGnuo swver software isn t ilstaHed on you v1isconfiquration of network settinqs j jnrmal Tile fv1C 2000 doesn t stream Internet f i3 jio proGrarm to irKJivicJuai clients S connt ct It to the MC X 2000 input source 1i8S been seiected Radio Frequency or channel on the MCX 2000 is unexpectedly changed Requ...

Страница 111: ...cable cable for connecblg t yO corTlponents on a Local A rea NetvJork LL N lC 2000 Owner s Monuol 111 Glossoly This r nanual uses a nurnber of terrns that though not specific to the J1usicCAST syste T1 are not in general everyday use In ac clition sorne ternlS arE used in a slirjhtly unusual context These vvords are listed alphabetically and in context belovl alollq vvith an explanation of their r...

Страница 112: ...splay The LCD display on the client or the display output to a TV or non tor connected to Hie server Subnet mask A nurYlber identifyin J tr le group vvithin a netvvor k to vvf 1ich a particular component belongs TCP IP An abtJreviation of Transmission Control Protocoi lnternet Protocol a systenl of coeJinn infornlation tllat allows rt to I e shared efficiently on a netvvork WEP f n abbreviation of...

Страница 113: ...0 435 95 5 40g 5 mm 17 1 3 x 3 3 1 x 16 1 1f vVE igrlt 6 6 I g 14 lbs 9 oz MC 2000 O Vne s Monuol 113 Specificotions I Audio Performance Frnquency rGspon je 20 to c O OOO Hz O 5 dB SIN ratio E1AJ F laybac k 1 j B Recot ciinfJ j2 i8 Totai harmonic distortion 1 Hz Playt a ck C JOI j J F ec rcjjn 1 J jf3 is Dynar11ic l anqe F layba cJ 10 J ciE s Recc rding 2 dB II Laser Diode Properties vla terial Ga...

Страница 114: ... button 8 fV1P3 96 MP3 Encode Quality 96 i P3 Encode Schedule 102 N1P3 for l1at 111 Music Archive 46 IndeJi Numerics 10 100 indicator 10 A AC IN socket 9 Access Tirneout 93 A burn 111 Alphabetical index search buttons 11 ANALOG IN jacks stereo 10 Analog Input 63 ANALOG OUT jacks stereo 10 Artist 111 Auto Lookup 93 automatic configuration 30 B Back Pane 9 Batteries 16 Bookmark 50 BOOKMARK button 11...

Страница 115: ...del only 9 X A Radio 58 XM Satellite Radio 55 y Yamaha AV Receiver 98 VCX 2COO C vner s fv1onuol 115 MusicCAST System Configuration 28 MusicCAST only Network 25 AUTE utton 11 N 4etwork 111 Network cable 111 Network Configuration 29 Network Connection stand alone without clients 28 Network Connection with clients 29 Network Content 46 o On screen display 112 OPEN CLOSE button 12 Open Close button 7...


Страница 117: ......

Страница 118: ...Group recommend you to avoid prolonged exposure from excessive volume levels 2 MCX 20UC etlJp Gl wje IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS CAUTION TO REDUCE THE rUSK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT REMOVE COVER OR BACK NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL Explanation ofC raphical Symbols The lightning nash with arrowhead symbol vithin an equilateral triangle is intended...

Страница 119: ...rtlducts distributed bv Yi lnaha Cmporation of AITleri CJ E its subsidiaries v1CX 2COO Seiup GUide 3 COMPLIANCE INFORMATION STATEMENt DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY PROCEDURE Responsible Party Address Tc cphon Fax Type of Equipmem 1 v1odel Name Yamaha Electronics Corporation U S A 6660 Orangcthorpe Av nuc Buena Park CA 90620 714 52 2 105 714 670 0108 Digital Audio Server vICX 2 lOO This device complies...

Страница 120: ...us compli s vith Canadian lCE5 003 Do not remove the connector of built in antenna from the 1CX 2000 GAUTION READ THIS BEFORE OPERATING THIS UNIT T o assure the finest performance please read this manual carefully Keep it in a safe place fell fhtul e reference Install this unit in a vell vcntilated cool dry clean place avvay fi om direct sunlight heat sources vibration dust moi tul e and or cold A...

Страница 121: ... used in the operational displays for this device NAG A 1 Sadakazu N GAO fv1CX 2000 Se i Up C uide 5 For US customers CAUTION READTHIS BEFORE QPERATING THIS UNI FCC WARNING Change or modiflcations not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the lIser s authority to opemt the epuipment This equipment complies vith FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for uncontrolle...

Страница 122: ...BAFE I ASERSTHAHWNG OER KlASSE 381M GERAlEINNEREN ORHANOEN AUGEN NIO fT DEM l ASERSTRAI L AUSSETZENI CAUTION Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure ATTENTION L emploi de commandes de reglages ou un choix de procedures differents des specifications de cette brochure peut entra7ner une exposition ad eve...

Страница 123: ...ee a jetaileCl explanation on that nage of Hie seoafo te Ovvner s I JlanLiai MCX 2000 Seorup Guide 7 Welcome to MusicCASl MusicCAST is a new convenient home audio network featuring playback of digital music streams It consists of a MCX 2000 music server and its dedicated clients MCX A10 or MCX C15 sold separately M With all your music sources including CDs and radio broadcasts brought together in ...

Страница 124: ... Router Network hub dim mI MWOfkcab 8 r v CX 20CO Setup Guide I IOB D N 8 t vv or k c a bi 8 MCX C15 Preparing Items Find and take out the following it 0rnS fran the v1usicCAST pr oduct packaqes See Ov ne s rV1anuai for a cornplete list of supplied terns MCX 2000 unit 1 Vicleo pin cable RCA pin 1 Audio pin cable 1 Remote control 1 AA batteries 2 Power cable 1 I1 2U If vou re using an MCX 1S aiso p...

Страница 125: ...n from the Setup menu screen seiect Easy down in the dispiay if ot visibje f v1CX 2000 Setup Guide 9 Remote Control Features and Operations You can use the suppiied r rnote control to pE 1forrn rnost of tri8 tv1CX 2000 operations such as selectnq a rnenu 1tern or deterrnining a setting va ue Prepare the remote control before operations Setting Batteries Set batteries insicie Hie rernote control as...

Страница 126: ... Tun j then i or later vhefi you re asked to do so in tr e Easy Setup pmcess 10 MCX 20CC Setup Guide Top Menu Easy Setup Creating a MusicCAST Network The Easy Setup feature lets you quickly create a AusicCAST netvvork There are severa types of J1us cCASTnetvvorks Here Ne explain hov j to confi jure the frost bas c r letv Jork U 1at s con prisecl of a single ivlCX 2000 server and orle or n lore cHe...

Страница 127: ...the hub at this trne VVhen you re ready 0 to the text screen Network hub fv1CX 2000 Se rup C uide 11 1 VVith Easy Setup you can quickly and easily configure your c esirecJ 1 v1uslcCAST netvvork just by foHovving the sirnple on screen instructions pa Je 27 To create a n t vork cornprised of an CX 2000 vvith ciients specify the options listed belo N VVhen the proper settings have been tTk3 de a sirn...

Страница 128: ...appear In tile above screen and are successf uily registered to tile 1CX 200 12 MCX 20CC Setup Guide 3 FoHo tJing the screen messages start l uto Configuration on each client Use tile front pa ne CLlrsor contro er to select Top v enu Setup 8twork Auto Confi Juration and then press the PLAY button P18 clients start sE 1archin J for the rnl 1sic server CX 2000 PUSH SELECT I Auto Configuration 1 ldrJ...

Страница 129: ...trol and open the CD tray Set a rnusic CD VJitfl its label side facing up_ f v1C 2000 Setup Guide 13 5 t Jhen the screen sho fJS all clients IDs you are using go to the next screen for updating their f1rmvvare This process is necessary to US 3 tr lelTl vvith U 18 fv1CX 2000 On each client sC 1k 1ct T p Jlenu Sf3tup Systern Systern Update and then press the PLAY button Update O K VVflen thf finTl N...

Страница 130: ...um etc if U is happens you Gem entor li K evant inforn Iotlon rnanuaHy pago 5 14 MCX 200C Setup uide 2 Press the CD UTO ST RE button on tile v1CX 2000 front panel the tray vvill close autornaticaHy The REC RDI 3 indicator at the left of the front pane display lights in red followed by the ENCODING indicator lieJhting in green 9 RECORDING ENCODING V ENCODING RECORDING MCX 2000 I3il The HECCRDINC in...

Страница 131: ... on the fvK X 2000 even NhHe delivering djfferent rnus1c to each Client MCX 2000 Se rt Jp C uicle 15 5 From one of your c ients select Top rv1enu Library f v1usic f rchive You can see the same rnenu items f rtists Alburns Genres and All Songs as found in ti le fv1CX 2000 screen Seiect one of H lerTl and confirrn the client dispf3y also shov fS tIle artist narne alburn t1tle genre or a list of song...


Страница 133: ... button if you accept the agreement 4 2 5 3 1 The DiXiM Media Server installation has been completed Installation Guide for DiXiM Media Server Software DIllD I XI MTM by DigiOn The DiXiM Media Server is used to publish or deliver music to the MusicCAST MCX 2000 over a home network This software after being installed on the computer begins to operate immediately whenever the computer is booted up t...

Страница 134: ...be trademarks and or registered trademarks of their respective companies Printed in Malaysia WG20360 PUblishing Content 1Specify the content to be published The content on the computer must be published by the DiXiM Media Server so that the MusicCAST MCX 2000 on the home network can receive and play the content delivered by the server The content shown below is specified to be published by default...

Страница 135: ...ts Reserved Avoid playing this CD ROM in a CD audio unit ll J ICD 1v l I Hliolli L fJ l r P Q X6n2AO MCX 2000 Application Software and Client Manual Disc M2K Ace 050701 YAMAHA 2001 2005 YAMAHA CORPORAIDN AU Rights Reserved Avoid playing this CD ROM in a CD audio unit ll J ICD 1v l I Hliolli L fJ l r P Q X6n2AO ...

Страница 136: ...AL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR LOST REVENUES Rev 2 1 Printed in Malaysia WF44240 gracenote End User License Agreement USE OF THIS PRODUCT IMPLIES ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS BELOW This product contains technology and data from Gracenote of Emeryville California Gracenote The tech nology from Gracenote the Gracenote Embedded Software enables this product to do disc identification a...

Страница 137: ... diminish your warranty rights in any way Product registration applies to USA customers only WF15740 _YAMAHA Registering Your New Yamaha Product is Fast and Easy Thank you for purchasing a new product from Yamaha Electronics We d like to continue providing you with high quality products and better service So we ve made it simple to register your new product purchase online Please take a few minute...

Страница 138: ...944 3896 Be sure to credit card and model number Ready audio system handy available 8 Jl FJir lI A PI Purchase XM Connect 8 P ay antenna Plug antenna into your XM Ready home audio system e Getyour XM Radio D number Get your eight digit radio ID bytuning to channel O e Can or og on to activate Call XM Listener Care toll free at 1 80o XM RAD O to activate your XM service or log on to http activateJm...


Страница 140: ...n Authorization issued by YAMAHA 2003 YAMAHA Electronics Corporation USA WD46400 Printed in Malaysia YAMAHA Electronics Corporation USA is proud of the experienced craftsmanship that goes into each and every YAMAHA MusicCAS fI M product YAMAHA sells its MusicCASTTM products only through a network of high quality specially authorized dealers and is pleased to offer the following Limited Warranty wh...

Страница 141: ... MusicCAST Digital Audio Terminal MCX Al0 OWNER S MANUAL VAMAHA MusicCAST Digital Audio Terminal MCX Al0 OWNER S MANUAL VAMAHA ...

Страница 142: ......

Страница 143: ...ements apply ONLY to those products distributed by Yamaha Corporation of America or its subsidiaries IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Read these instructions Keep these instructions Heed all warnings Follow all instructions Do not use this apparatus near water Clean only with dry cloth Do not block any ventilation openings Install in accordance with the manufacturer s instructions D...

Страница 144: ...of plug to wide slot and fully insert This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES 003 Caution read this before operating this unit To assure the finest performance please read this manual carefully Keep it in a safe place for future reference Install this unit in a well ventilated cool dry clean place away from direct sunlight heat sources vibration dust moisture and or cold Avoid v...

Страница 145: ...r IIS and Thomson This product contains AVE TCP from ACCESS CO LTD Copyright 1996 2002 ACCESS CO LTD For US customers This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for uncontrolled equipment This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of at least 20cm between the radiator and the persons body excluding extremities hands wrists feet and legs and mu...

Страница 146: ...back from the MusicCAST server library 49 Listening to a radio station with your MusicCAST client 49 Contents About your MusicGIlS F client The MusicCAST client 8 Features 8 Supplied accessories 9 Controls and functions 10 Front panel 10 Side panel 11 Remote control 12 Modes of operation of the MusicCAST client 14 To turn the MusicCAST client on from STANDBY mode 14 Using the Graphical User Interf...

Страница 147: ... 67 Appendix Troubleshooting 69 Terms used in this manual 72 Specifications 74 Index 75 II I I I I I Selecting a radio station 50 Listening to an external sound source 51 To return to playback from the MusicCAST server library 51 Using the Bookmark function 52 Adding a song to the list of bookmarks 52 Adding a song using the Play Info screen 52 Adding a song using the menu 52 Removing a song from ...

Страница 148: ...u to avoid prolonged exposure from excessive volume levels II Ba We WantYou LISTENING FoJ ALifetilne The MusicCAST client The MusicCAST client is designed to work in conjunction with the Yamaha MusicCAST server to allow you to store and listen to your entire music collection With multiple clients you and others can simultaneously access and listen to your music collection from up to seven differen...

Страница 149: ...E 7C 8 Remote control YAMAHA Video pin cable Stand AC adaptor LSE01 07A1240 AC power cable Screw x 2 After unpacking check that the following parts are included Supplied accessories s c en c o en I Sl i s c o c Audio pin cable Subwoofer cable Lithium battery C c y C J 3 G94C J 6 E 7C 8 Remote control YAMAHA Video pin cable Stand AC adaptor LSE01 07A1240 AC power cable Screw x 2 ...

Страница 150: ...he MusicCAST client through headphones Output from the S WOOFER jack and SPEAKER OUT terminals stops Controls and functions Front panel Yl MIHA DIGITAL AUDIO TERMINAL MCX A10 0 1 ON TIMER PUSH SE CT D PHONES _ t MusicCAST o POWER indicator Lights when the MusicCAST client is active 8 TIMER indicator Lights when the timer function is activated see pages 57 59 e Front panel display Displays informat...

Страница 151: ...terminals 8 AC adaptor input Connect theAC adaptor to this input m t c O c s c tn C o t en I Sl ar s Side panel Controls and functions LAN port Insert a LAN cable here to connect to a wired network AUX IN jack Connect an external sound source here 8 LINEOUT UR jacks Use these jacks to connect the MusicCAST client to an input on an external component o S WOOFER jack Use this jack to connect the Mus...

Страница 152: ... page 48 SELECT Enters deletes plays or selects the selection highlighted on the front panel display Controls and functions Remote control This section explains the function of each button on the remote control o Infrared emitter Emits infrared control signals for the MusicCAST client to receive Aim the emitter at the MusicCAST client when you want to operate it OFF TIMER YAMAHA SLEEP 80FFTIMER Ac...

Страница 153: ...nals received from the AUX IN jack MUTE Mutes the output from the unit Controls and functions I C o c BOOKMARK Attaches or removes a bookmark from a song see pages 52 55 6J v Moves the on screen cursor down G RECALL This button and the corresponding Recall Play menu in the MusicCAST client are reserved for future functionality VOL Adjust the volume of the MusicCAST client output o SLEEP Switches t...

Страница 154: ...t for 30 minutes it automatically places itself in sleep mode Press SELECT or SLEEP to reactivate it Controls and functions Modes of operation of the MusicCAST client The MusicCAST client has three modes of operation STANDBY SLEEP ON The MusicCAST client is connected to an AC outlet with STANDBYION on its top surface in the STANDBY position fully up The MusicCAST client is connected to an AC outle...

Страница 155: ...om the main panel of the MusicCAST client some functions are only accessible from the remote control Controls and functions Using the Graphical User Interface of the MusicCAST client The MusicCAST client offers a wide variety of functions and parameters for your use You can access all of these through the Graphical User Interface GUI viewable from the front panel display on the MusicCAST client it...

Страница 156: ...p target Indicates the group within which the group skip function is currently operating o Mute icon Controls and functions MusicCAST clients can use the VIDEO OUT jack on the MusicCAST client to display the on screen display on a TV monitor The Play Info screen displays information on the song the MusicCAST is currently playing or the last song played if it is not currently playing a song Pla 1 I...

Страница 157: ...g from tripping over loose cables fix it to the wall In II en CD t J c c s C r CD 5 s en C en I CD J Attaching the stand Before setup Mounting the MusicCAST client on awall 1 Place the MusicCAST client so that its front panel display faces down taking care not to scratch the front panel in the process 2 Place the stand so that the two pins on the lower bar of the stand fit into the holes on the lo...

Страница 158: ...ct may cause a bum If it occurs wash the affected area with water promptly and get medical attention Before setup Removing the side panel cover 1 Push the tab down firmly 2 Slide the cover away from the MusicCAST client casing Remote control Loading the battery for the remote control 1 Slide out the battery holder from the remote control by pushing into the hole in the holder with a ball point pen...

Страница 159: ...the remote control This picture depicts the style of AC outlet found in the United States of America Before setup Remote control operation range Connecting the AC adaptor 1 Insert the AC power cable into the AC adaptor 3 Plug in the AC power cable to an AC outlet en CD s cc s C T CD s s en n o en I Sl ar s 9 j ou o r s oC 6 Q G O 2 Connect the AC adaptor to the AC adaptor input on the MusicCAST cl...

Страница 160: ...AC outlet o Is the MusicCAST client power turned on o rrA AUO O RVERMCX 1000 roPMENU M NU 1_ I I I I Before setup Checking MusicCAST client connections Before you attempt to use the MusicCAST client to play music check the following o If you wish to listen to music with the MusicCAST client without using headphones have you connected it to an external receiver or to speakers 8 If you intend to con...

Страница 161: ... over much longer distances than connections using the wireless network used in the MusicCAST system The MusicCAST network The MusicCAST server stores all music data used in your MusicCAST system The MusicCAST client does not store or record any music data Your MusicCAST client uses a Local Area Network LAN to transmit and receive data from the MusicCAST server which it then plays back as music Th...

Страница 162: ...to use a wired LAN connection 192 168 1 4 192 168 1 3 192 168 1 1 OOOOOOOO l 192 168 1 10 192 168 1 2 etwork Network addresses Each component on a network uses an address to identify itself to other components on the same network The address consists of four numbers and looks like this 192 168 1 1 This is called an IP address Without these addresses the components on the network cannot transmit da...

Страница 163: ...sicCAST client or use a wired network connection to connect to the MusicCAST server MusicCAST server Wireless network connections When and why should I use a wireless connection The wireless network technology in the MusicCAST system utilizes high frequency radio signals to transmit data between the various MusicCAST clients and the MusicCAST server You can place clients anywhere you wish without ...

Страница 164: ...ce with a wireless network signal for example close to a cellular phone charger MusicCAST server Hub The MusicCAST network Wired network connections When should I use a wired connection Wired networks use cables called a LAN cable connected between components to transfer data to a central network component network hub which then transfers the data on to the appropriate destination This means that ...

Страница 165: ...dresses for each MusicCAST client you should configure the MusicCAST client manually 30m or less I I Connecting to the network Place your MusicCAST client in a suitable location See pages 23 24 for an explanation of how location affects wired and wireless connections The MusicCAST client may function correctly even if the location you choose does not fit all of the requirements described on pages ...

Страница 166: ...play PL SH SF CT Setup ri V OFF Ti rl Ier CII I Ti rl Ier Htrto PIal 1 luto Le e1 Con r o1 Contr i t Connecting to the network 3 Use the controller on the MusicCAST client to move the cursor to Network then press the controller The Network screen appears on the display 4 Use the controller on the MusicCAST client to move the cursor to Auto Configuration then press the controller The Auto Configura...

Страница 167: ... press SELECT Carry out Auto Configuration again to connect the MusicCAST to other MusicCAST clients 6 Press the controller on the MusicCAST client The client attempts to connect to the server PUSH SELECT A Connecting to the network 7 On the MusicCAST server use A I v I I to move the cursor to OK and press SELECT The following screen appears on the display of the MusicCAST client CL B f i2 Connect...

Страница 168: ...ent only function correctly if they are under the same subnet running under one or more network hubs Connecting to the network Configuring your MusicCAST client manually Usually the Auto Configuration functions of the MusicCAST server and client will enable you to successfully connect all of your MusicCAST components However you can also use the screens detailed in this section to configure the Mu...

Страница 169: ...call P1 I I Edi t Bookrl lar k Set 1 1F InF l It t 1ode Ser er ID DHCP I P Hc k lr e SI bnet tl la I Connecting to the network en I s Q s C T I 3 s en n o en I CD s Pr es PLH t o 1 1 ep l r e t irt STOP to cancela IJ I dir ele 1 l rt o 2 If you wish to configure the MusicCAST client to use a wireless connection use A I v to move the cursor to Wireless and press SELECT then press PLAY at the prompt...

Страница 170: ...ng the 10 press SELECT to confirm the setting The cursor returns to the left of the ESS ID parameter Connecting to the network Setting the ESS 10 All wireless networks work by using weak high frequency radio signals to transmit data between the various components using the same channel on the network Each channel has an identification code called an ESS ID Only items with the same ESS ID transmit ...

Страница 171: ...rom the MusicCAST server each time you switch it on II en CD s c a s C s CD s s en c r o J en I 2 D s Setting your MusicCAST client to act as a DHCP client If you set your MusicCAST client to act as a DHCP client it automatically receives a new IP address from the network DHCP server each time you tum it on This is useful if you do not want to pre set an IP address for each MusicCAST client in you...

Страница 172: ... f 1 et I lOr k r e t ar t C lneel SI O 1 1 5 11 1 8 t et l Ior k r est Jr t IlL Canel l 3 G G t 1 1 Connecting to the network Setting the MusicCAST server Server 10 1 From the Manual Setup menu use A I v to move the cursor to Server 10 and press SELECT The Server ID screen appears on the display Setting the MusicCAST client IP Address 1 From the Manual Setup menu use A I v to move the cursor to I...

Страница 173: ...MusicCAST client is not set to act as a DHCP client see page 31 for an explanation of how to do this Connecting to the network II t I1 1 5a e 1 etl Ior k r EI t Irt Cancel v I 5 11 11 1 1 Ed I Ior k r I I t Jrt C incel 2 Press SELECT The cursor enters the WEP key setting field You need to enter the characters here as you have set in the WEP key field on the MusicCAST server 3 Use A I v to select t...

Страница 174: ...ST server Try the network setting procedure again or refer to the troubleshooting section on page 69 Connecting to the network 5 If you are satisfied with the settings you have made move the cursor to Save Network restart and press SELECT This confinns the settings and restarts the network hardware on the MusicCAST client returning the display to the Network menu Alternatively select Cancel to exi...

Страница 175: ...ms are registered to the artist has no effect on the MusicCAST client III C s c c C QJ tn o s c c tn Music playback on the MusicCAST client The MusicCAST client can playback music stored in a MusicCAST server over a wired or wireless network Two kinds of files are available for playback MP3 MPEG l Audio Layer 3 and PCM Pulse Code Modulation PCM files give better sound quality but can only be playe...

Страница 176: ...roup finishes SINGLE The MusicCAST client halts playback when playback of the present group finishes Music playback on the MusicCAST client During playback The Play Info screen appears on the display when the MusicCAST client is playing a song unless you perform an operation with the remote control Press PLAY INFO to return to this screen Press to access the available playback styles To alter the ...

Страница 177: ...11111 rt i t nap II 1 11burl l narl le Son narl le 5 5 5 55 5 5 55 5 Press to return the list screen To playa song from an artist Use this option to directly access the songs by a particular artist stored in your MusicCAST server All songs and albums assigned to this artist are available for selection Carry out the following procedure to playa specific song from albums assigned to a particular art...

Страница 178: ... IJI HI tll r ge IIJI31 t E er I It hi nl 3 Hft Ballad BeaJ t ifJ l ColI i ion Br i 11 i ant Cor ner Music playback on the MusicCAST client To stop playback Press D To halt playback temporarily Press DD Press DD again to resume playback Once playback of the song is finished the MusicCAST client begins playback of the next song stored as part of that album on the MusicCAST server To playa song from...

Страница 179: ...lay To stop playback Press D To halt playback temporarily Press DD Press DD again to resume playback Music playback on the MusicCAST client Carry out the following procedure to playback a specific song from the albums assigned to a particular genre Use this option to directly access the songs of a particular genre stored in your MusicCAST server All songs and albums assigned this genre are availab...

Страница 180: ...der ljl 7 Second 9th g Hennepi n 1 Ch tnI 3e i 30nna Corl le 1 F al icid tt e 1 1 1 1 lur der of Onl Music playback on the MusicCAST client 4 Use A I v to move the cursor to the name of the genre you wish to select Moving the cursor to the bottom of the screen causes the display to scroll upwards while moving it to the top of the screen makes the display scroll downwards Press SELECT to display al...

Страница 181: ...s screen appears on the display IJI Collections Collections Collect ions Col lect i OfIS Collections Music playback on the MusicCAST client Playlists are collections of songs grouped together and registered by the users of your MusicCAST server You cannot create or alter playlists from the MusicCAST client but you can access them for playback See page 41 in the MCX 1000 owner s manual for more inf...

Страница 182: ...aylist The MusicCAST client can only play playlists if the MusicCAST server has registered playlists Music playback on the MusicCAST client Press to return the list screen Hrt i t Hlbt rl l Genr e HllSon 3 Pla ll i t 2 Use AI v to move the cursor to Play and press SELECT The Play Menu screen appears on the display lJl Pla l ecall Pla l Edi t Bookr lar k SetlJF InPt t Recently played songs Displays...

Страница 183: ...isplay to scroll upwards while moving it to the top of the screen makes the display scroll downwards Music playback on the MusicCAST client IP Hrt ists i llbt r I 13enr es HII Sonl s PIa1 1 1 i t vPla l f ec t 11 PIal Edi t Bookr l ir k Setup Input 2 Use A I v to move the cursor to Play and press SELECT The Play Menu screen appears on the display 1 Press and hold MENU for two seconds to return to ...

Страница 184: ...selected song is complete the MusicCAST client begins playback of the next song in the bookmark list Music playback on the MusicCAST client 5 Press SELECT to begin playback of the selected song The Play Info Screen appears on the display Press to return the list screen To stop playback Press D To halt playback temporarily Press DD Press DD again to resume playback Once playback of the selected son...

Страница 185: ...screen appears on the display IJI l eF eat P tndor 1 Gr Ot lF IPla Info r Pla l St IIE OFF OFF I ILL Advanced playback options IIIII eF eat II andor 1 Gr Ot IF I F eat r indor 1 Ii 13r ol F Pla i St I OFF OFF I ILL Pl J l St lle OFF OFF 5It GLE IPla Info IPIa Info 3 Use A I v to move the cursor to Random and press SELECT The cursor moves so that it is displayed under the Random parameter setting T...

Страница 186: ... to move the cursor to Repeat and press SELECT The cursor appears under the Repeat parameter setting Advanced playback options Repeat Playback When you utilize the Repeat Playback function the MusicCAST repeats playback of the current song or group C 00 C O 0 You can activate the Repeat Playback function by pressing REPEAT on the remote control The MusicCAST client repeats playback in accordance w...

Страница 187: ... s c c c O f o s c c f Pla l Info tlllli PIa l 5t Ile I3r oup 5It I3LE Bookp lar k OFF II Tip le ELHP Ip eF eat andoP 1 I3r ol p 4 Use A I v to change the Repeat Playback parameter setting OFF Repeat Playback disabled SINGLE The MusicCAST client repeats playback of the current group ALL The MusicCAST client repeats playback of all groups 5 Press SELECT to confirm your setting The cursor returns to...

Страница 188: ...CT The Play Menu screen appears on the display IJl Ir ists Ilbl rl ls Genr l s tIl 5onI 3 PIal l ist Advanced playback options 4 Use A I v to change the display setting ELAP The timer displays the time elapsed since playback of the current song started REM The timer displays the time remaining to complete playback of the current song 5 Press SELECT to confirm your setting The cursor returns to the...

Страница 189: ...setting on your AV receiver to tuner if it is connected to the MusicCAST server via its REC OUT jack 3 Use AI v to move the cursor to External Inputs and press SELECT The External Inputs menu appears on the display IJI Optical Coa ial l n tloI 3 1 11 ece i I er 4 Use AI v to select Optical Coaxial or Analog depending on which input on the MusicCAST server the device you want to listen to is attach...

Страница 190: ...back of the selected radio station begins IJI St ation 1 St at ion 2 Stat ion 3 Stat ion 4 Station 5 Advanced playback options Selecting a radio station Check that the MusicCAST server and connected receiver are both switched on before carrying out the following procedure 1 Press and hold MENU for two seconds to return to the Top Menu screen lJl Plal Pecall PIal Edi t Bookrl lar k SI tIJP Inpl t 2...

Страница 191: ...ut the procedure as above selecting Server instead of Client AUX in step 3 Advanced playback options Listening to an external sound source You can listen to audio from an external source connected to the AUX IN jack on your MusicCAST client Carry out the following procedure to listen to an external sound source using the MusicCAST client 1 Press and hold MENU for two seconds to return to the Top M...

Страница 192: ...the entire album You cannot remove bookmarks in this manners Remove bookmarks for songs individually Using the Bookmark function The MusicCAST system can store a list of your favorite songs for easy access You can access this list using the bookmark function Each client on your MusicCAST network has one such list which you can access but not alter from other clients Each list can store up to 999 b...

Страница 193: ...tidinha Tr i te 4 Use A I v to move the cursor to the song you wish to remove from the bookmark list Using the Bookmark function If the song was not previously bookmarked this action assigns the song to a bookmark list IJI bJ J e The ed B1ol e Look To The SkI Batidinha Tr i te U MA _ 5 Press BOOKMARK The check sign displayed beside the bookmarked song disappears Removing a song using the Menu 1 Pr...

Страница 194: ... the Edit Bookmark screen IJI COPI to Plal 1 i t PIea e tit a Pr l S PL I 1 to cOPI STOP to canceIII Using the Bookmark function Copying the bookmark list to a playlist You can copy the contents of your MusicCAST client bookmark list to a playlist This makes your client bookmark list readily available to all other clients on your MusicCAST network as well as to the MusicCAST server and preserves t...

Страница 195: ...ion and return to the Edit Bookmark menu STOP Cancel the action and return to the Edit Bookmark menu Erasing the bookmark list To erase the bookmark list completely carry out the following procedure Erasing the bookmark list 1 Press and hold MENU for two seconds to return to the Top Menu screen lJl Plal F eca 11 PI JI I Edi t Bookrl I 3r k Setl p Input 2 Use A I v to move the cursor to Edit Bookma...

Страница 196: ...al Setup ESS ID MC Manual Setup WEP key none Input SERVER Tone Treble OdB Bass OdB Volume level 70dB MusicCAST settings Default system settings The following table illustrates the default settings for all of the parameters described in this section Setting menu Parameter group Parameter name Parameter setting Setup OFF Timer OFF ON Timer OFF Auto Play OFF Auto Level Control OFF Contrast 68 Network...

Страница 197: ...CT The OFF Timer screen appears on the display 3 The OFF Timer screen disappears after a small delay MusicCAST settings Using the OFF Timer function You can set the MusicCAST client to switch itself off after a set period of time which you can also define This function is called the OFF Timer You can use the ON and OFF timers simultaneously Using the menu to set the OFF Timer function Carry out th...

Страница 198: ...function described on page 57 to place the MusicCAST client in Sleep mode The TIMER indicator lights Ir Ol oJI 1 1 J J S i e Cancl l MusicCAST settings Using the ON Timer function The MusicCAST client has a timer function that enables it to automatically switch on and begin playback at a time you specify rather like an alarm clock This is called the ON Timer function You can use the ON timer and O...

Страница 199: ... it off 5 Press SELECT The MusicCAST client is now configured to use your new settings for Auto Play MusicCAST settings o T CD c s n cr s en lJl PIa ecall PIal Edi t Bookr lar k 5et t F Input 1 Press and hold MENU for two seconds to return to the Top Menu screen Carry out the following procedure to configure your MusicCAST client to use Auto Play 2 Use A I v to move the cursor to Setup and press S...

Страница 200: ... Press SELECT The MusicCAST client is now configured to use your new settings for Auto Level Control MusicCAST settings Using the Auto Level Control function The MusicCAST system allows you to store and listen to multiple different albums from different artists without reference to the original sequence of songs on the album Because some albums are recorded with different sound levels to others yo...

Страница 201: ...f the setting S Press SELECT or MENU to confirm the value you have set and return to the Tone screen Using the tone controls The tone controls on the MusicCAST client allow you to alter the nature of the sound being output You can change these settings to give a strong deep bass or a lighter treble to the sound Altering the tone settings 1 Press and hold MENU for two seconds to return to the Top M...

Страница 202: ... the setting S Press SELECT or MENU to confirm the value you have set and return to the Setup screen MusicCAST settings Using the contrast controls Depending on the location of the MusicCAST client You may need to alter the contrast of the display for easier viewing Darker settings make for easier viewing at night while you may find it easier to view the display with brighter settings during the d...

Страница 203: ...n The MusicCAST client automatically places itself in sleep mode if you do not use it for 30 minutes MusicCAST settings You can also switch the unit to sleep mode by pressing SLEEP on the remote control The time does not display correctly if the MusicCAST client is not able to establish a good connection with the MusicCAST server If the time displayed is not correct alter the date and time setting...

Страница 204: ...I v to move the cursor to Information and press SELECT The Information screen appears on the display System settings I er sion Dat e Displaying System Information on the MusicCAST client You can check the version of the system installed in your MusicCAST client Accessing the System Information screen 1 Press and hold MENU for two seconds to return to the Top Menu screen lJl Plal l ec i 11 PIal l E...

Страница 205: ...tem screen appears on the display Updat e 0u 1 II I nf or rl Jt i on 5I I ep UF d Jte 5I S t ep e et System settings 1 I r s i on Datl 7 Press PLAY to begin the update process The following screens appear in order 6 Use A I v to move the cursor to System Update and press SELECT The System Update prompt appears on the display Updating the MusicCAST client firmware At times Yamaha releases updates t...

Страница 206: ...r two seconds to return to the Top Menu screen vPlal l j ec J 11 PI 31 Edi t Bookp lar k Setup Input System settings 8 The MusicCAST automatically switches itself off and then on again The update process is now complete Carry out the procedure described on page 64 to check the version of the firmware Resetting the MusicCAST client to default settings At times it may be convenient to return your Mu...

Страница 207: ... SELECT The Network screen appears on the display v 5t at lJs Hut o Confi ur Jt i on t 1anl Il 5et up 2 Use A I v to move the cursor to Setup and press SELECT The Setup screen appears on the display IJr OFF Ti f ler Ot Ti f ler HI t o P1a1 1 Ht t o Lel le1 Cont r o1 Cont r ast 3 Use A I v to move the cursor to System and press SELECT The System screen appears on the display IJr I nf or r lat i on ...

Страница 208: ... your MusicCAST client is receiving data over the network connection measured in megabits per second System settings 4 Use A I v to move the cursor to Status and press SELECT The Status screen appears on the display IJI IP I lddr ess I di r e1e s LI II I 5 Use A I v to select the item you want to display Select IP Address to display the following information ID IP 01 121 1 01 1 tl 1sk 00 1 10 Io 1...

Страница 209: ... client wired network connections only subnet mask or upgrade your network hardware skips C C CD s c Troubleshooting Refer to the chart below when this unit does not function properly If the problem you are experiencing is not listed below or if the instruction below does not help set this unit to the standby mode disconnect the power cord and contact the nearest authorized YAMAHA dealer or servic...

Страница 210: ...mal when listening with the pause between MusicCAST client playback of songs on the MusicCAST client Troubleshooting Problem Cause Remedy Refer to page The MusicCAST client You have not registered songs recorded Wait until the MusicCAST server completes MCX does not play back from an external component to the library encoding songs to MP3 1000 some songs owner s displayed in the song manual select...

Страница 211: ...the network trying to use the 1000 work correctly same IP addresses owner s manual page 110 C C CD C Troubleshooting Problem Cause Remedy Refer to page You cannot access The ANALOG REC LEVEL on the front Increase the ANALOG REC LEVEL MCX the MusicCAST preset panel of the MusicCAST server is set too 1000 tuner low owner s manual page 29 The MusicCAST server AV receiver Configure the AV receiver par...

Страница 212: ... Subnet mask A number identifying the group within a network to which a particular component belongs Terms used in this manual This manual uses a number of terms that though not specific to the MusicCAST system are not in general everyday use In addition some terms are used in a slightly unusual context These words are listed alphabetically and in context below along with an explanation of their m...

Страница 213: ...from Menus are displayed on the on screen display of the MusicCAST client and server II t C C CD s c TCP IP An abbreviation of Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol a system of coding information that allows it to be shared efficiently on a network WEP An abbreviation of Wired Equivalent Privacy This system encrypts data transferred between the components on a wireless network Components...

Страница 214: ...ensions W x H x D 210 x 244 5 x 79 mm 8 5 16 x 9 1 4 x 3 1 8 Weight without AC adaptor 2 kg 41bs 6oz Specifications Audio performance Frequency response EIAJ 20 Hz to 20 kHz 0 5 dB Signal to noise ratio EIAJ 100 dB or more Dynamic Range EIAJ 90 dB or more Total harmonic distortion noise EIA 0 008 or less Input AUX IN jack Input sensitivity 300 mVrms Output LINEOUTL R Output level 2 Vrms S WOOFER j...

Страница 215: ...ting 65 W WEP key 28 33 wired connection 24 25 29 wireless connection 23 25 29 30 wireless Ian 22 68 A alarm clock 58 Album 35 38 Artist 35 37 Auto Configuration 22 25 26 28 Auto Play function 59 AUX IN 11 AV receiver 48 49 B Bitrate 68 Bookmark 13 36 43 52 Bookmarks 43 52 C collection 41 Comm quality 68 Contrast 62 o database 40 DHCP 28 30 E ESS ID 30 F firmware 65 G Genre 39 Graphical user inter...


Страница 217: ...ly where the component you are connecting does not have jack for digital connections AC power outlet This document refers to the MCX IOOO DIGITAL AUDIO SERVER as the MusicCAST server and the MCX AIO DIGITAL AUDIO TERMINAL as the MusicCAST client t J Source component Printed in Japan LU J O o WB93390 Toview video sources e g the on screen display from your receiver in combination with the MusicCAST...

Страница 218: ... cable supplied connect the S WOOFERjack on the MusicCAST client to the input jack on your subwoofer IIIf you want to connect the MusicCAST client to a wired network Use an ethemet cable to connect the LAN port on the MusicCAST client to a port on your hub To connect the MusicCAST client to AC power Connect the AC power cable to the AC adaptor then connect the AC adaptor to the DC IN 12V jack on t...

Страница 219: ...eless network signals Use wired network connections when mounting MusicCAST components in metal racks Connect to components CD There is no specific order required for connection The MusicCAST server can support simultaneous playback on up to seven MusicCAST client Router CD MusicCAST server Place your MusicCAST client within approximately 30 meters of the MusicCAST server Walls and obstructions pl...

Страница 220: ... for instructions on how to do this This document is printed on chlorine free ECF paper with soy ink IIUsing internal wireless connection IIIWireless and wired connection to server I I _L 0 0 0 Hub Wired 10 100 Ethernet DO NOT connect the MusicCAST client directly to the MusicCAST server with an ethernet cable Wireless IEEE802 11b I I 1 I I ____ mI I I Wireless IEEE802 11 b Co 0 0 0 Use the Auto C...

Страница 221: ...turn Authorization issued by YAMAHA 2003 YAMAHA Electronics Corporation USA WC02750 Printed in Japan YAMAHA Electronics Corporation USA is proud of the experienced craftsmanship that goes into each and every YAMAHA MusicCASTJ M product YAMAHA sells its MusicCASTTM products only through a network of high quality specially authorized dealers and is pleased to offer the following Limited Warranty whi...

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