The F250B comes standard with dual pairs of water inlets,
for increased cooling effi ciency. Located on the front and
both sides of the lower unit, each pair of pick-ups operate
independently of each other to provide proper water fl ow
in a wide variety of applications and conditions.
All F250B outboards feature a large, on-engine
water separating fuel fi lter with a water sensor. Used in
conjunction with Yamaha’s 10-Micron Water Separating
Fuel Filter, it helps separate water and contaminants from
the fuel before they can reach the outboard’s other fi lters
and fuel injectors.
Yamaha improved their legendary Ultimate Corrosion Protection
System for the F250B. Yamaha’s proprietary alloys, ACP-221
paint process, and freshwater fl ush device are just the start.
Multiple sacrifi cial anodes in and on the power head, mid-section,
and lower unit; a special electro-deposited paint process that
coats both the entire outside and the inside passages of the block
and cylinder heads; and a specially-painted and treated exhaust
system means better long-term protection and maximum value.
Long Term Value
Controlled Operating Termperature
Internal Protection from the Elements
The F250B features a proven cowling drain system, to easily
and effi ciently drain away any water that enters the cowling
during normal engine operation. Incoming air is routed through
a labyrinth of passages that trap and drain water before it enters
the engine’s intake, for maximum reliability.
Cleaner Fuel
Long Term Value
Command Link
Controls and Gauges
Command Link
Controls and Gauges