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Install v2.00
Carefully lift the keybed slightly up and out (toward yourself) an inch or so.
. You don't need
to move it much. You will probably need to free up one or more cables to accomplish it. Or if you
prefer, disconnect the cables and completely remove the keybed.
This will give you access to the 3 screws holding the silver keyboard rail in place.
Remove those
three screws and set aside the silver keyboard rail
. (Shown here with keybed removed).
access to the DX7 main
board. If you do remove the
keybed you may find it easier
to remove the small yellow
cable and large flat grayish
cable at the main-board-end
rather than from the keybed.
You will also need to unclip
two small cables on the left
end (mod wheel and pitch
bend). There may also be
fasteners to deal with.
Remove the EPROM and SRAM ICs
The next step is to
remove the EPROM and two SRAM ICs
The EPROM is found in location IC14 and the two M5M5118P SRAM chips (or similar) are
located at IC21 and IC20.
Remove them by prying slowly at each end of the chip back-and-forth with a small flat-head
screwdriver. Avoid touching any of the metal pins with the screwdriver.