Yamaha CX5M Скачать руководство пользователя страница 30


Содержание CX5M


Страница 2: ...I 1 www cx5m net ...

Страница 3: ...r an ordnarytaperecorder For h gh speedmemory operat on howev r a YamahaMemory Car tridge UDC l or an MSXFoppydisk Drive theYamaha FD05 for example s besl NotethalontyoneI oppydiskdrivecanbe used andlhatonlytheSFG05 s compatib e wltha floppy d skdrive Yamaha Music compuler or YamahaMSx compuler equipped wlth a MlDl ln lertace MlDllnlerlace Prlnler Exlernalmemory MIDI Sourcelnslrumenl SlaveInslrume...

Страница 4: ...lge slot yo mayrnsert thedlskdrve int dace ortheDataMemory Cadridge inlotherearslot usinga Singte Cartrdge Adapter CA0i rffi MIOIOUT N1 D strumenl Sourc Never insedor rernove anything froma cartriclge s ot aslongasthecomputer s powerIo caror islil NeveT nsert or remove a lioppyd skwhenthedrive s operation ndcatorisIit Never switch thecomputer orthedriveon oJJ white there isa ftoppy diskinthedrive ...

Страница 5: ...lDl MacroAssembleror the MlDl Monilol TheMlDlcoanections depend onlhewayyou To monitorthe MIDIsequencesot a MIDI r l intend to usethel llDl l lacro f on torprogram inslrumenl Fi 4 So nd Genarator To uselhe programbelweenlwo MlDl Inslrumenls M D N M D N www cx5m net ...

Страница 6: ...ored inihecomputer s mernory Booting yoLrr system mLrst becarredout n therightsequence asexpainedbelow Q 9 NfuTrtffi rVSrtEM Power onS Besureallihecomponents andtheYRM303cartridge areproperly connected TurnontheTV the unloaded floppyd skddve thelvlD nstrumenls andt naly thecomplter Fieverse theabove sequence to turnyoufsyslem off Floppydisk Drlve N4lDllnstrlrments Computer J Fi if nacRp r jo nnFl ...

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Страница 8: ...7 www cx5m net ...

Страница 9: ...Block Di Thefollowing diagranshows rheooeration of thelvlDivonito MtD t roN ToB G MFTLTEF r DttliAcRo MERGE lit Fiil OfgLD vorur6F uoa O DLJMP MEMoRY PAsrE BUFFEF www cx5m net ...

Страница 10: ... canbeexamined Thelilefgefunction a owsihedaiacorning fromtheM D NterminaOiobenrixed 0 wth thedaiathatareinputv a theconputerkeyboard Theblend w llthenbesentto thelvllDl OUT termina ThePUtandGEicommands a lowdatatransfer between thememory andthePaste Buffer forrnemory relocallon or relrleval bymeans of theMacro Assembler The three Modes the MIDI Monitor In the L lonitor mode the daia received at t...

Страница 11: ...Filter Edt modes plls 6 Hep screens Theto lowinglluslrat onsshowhowto access eachofthese screens FlterEditlvlode TheIKANAI key Prini Dumpon olf corresponds to theICODEI keyon Inlernallonal modes the Modes of the MIDI Molitot 4emory Dunp Mode i r i r r l 4 M 1q 1 9q_i111 www cx5m net ...

Страница 12: ... suitch il lSFAcEl ro exit _ lseAqq E 91roe t u DHS dtsPlae hord suitch ESUI O EVI T o ext 11 kEv FLNCTTo Firter n o f F5 DLI1P tloNIToR F iCRo roNIroR Print duir on o f F2 se ch L st block F3 sr rch N xt bl k F1 I ler e ilter onlo f DEL Delete ch rer TAD R c lr cffia d irne sToP stop pfinti4 LIst lisiins vhbdl bble rrc l www cx5m net ...

Страница 13: ...le lor ightpr nting ior heavy pr ntng YoLr feedonlyto typetheI rsttwocharacters oftheseparameters Example Youhaveanl 1SX prnterandyouwantheavy print Typein PR Ms Do andpressIFETURNI t r v d d e r e a o o r r L a o o o r L e o r a Q p o b o L p o a No seectlhescreen 10beprintecl andpress lhe key Theb order coor of thescreen tufns to green durngpr ntingoperation andgoesbackto normaaftercomplel on lf...

Страница 14: ... gBBEtfS Ee iE g A ePB A 6 1 B F A 9 6 2 7 A F 2 7 A g 2 S o a T B F a F e F e F A F A F g F e g 9 6 e F B F e F A F A F A 9 6 2 2 A O 6 q F e 9 8 2 2 A A F A F E F e A g 5 A t 4 4 F A F A F e F e 9 a A g S A t s g F A 9 g l D O A F E 9 6 q B 4 B 3 E F e F e F A 9 q 2 t a o S q 4 O A A F A 9 A 2 2 4 a F a F a 0 8 3 8 F e 9 0 2 2 q B F a F a F e AAE TE e E FE 8 7e3a A O 2 A F e F A F A 9 9 2 5 2 D ...

Страница 15: ...sthe E keyto toggle belweenhexad cimal and ASCIInotation You will usuallypreferthe hexadecimal noiationbecausethedisplaycannotbe readin ASCIInoiation However thevolcesof lhe DX7aredisplayed in full BRASS for example uses5 characters ln hexadecimal thiswillreacl4 l 52415353 TheASCIInotationisthen uselullo lemoorarilv checklhe voicenames r l l c o 4 1 F u l t D F o I l F o l D u r P H e l F i c o In...

Страница 16: ... 0 9 1 3 c 4 s 9 0 3 c 0 0 9 6 3 9 6 g 9 9 3 4 6 9 A 2 9 4 6 9 6 3 9 6 6 9 B 3 7 0 0 9 6 3 5 4 9 9 0 3 5 B 0 9 g 3 7 g S 9 A 3 4 S 9 A 3 5 4 0 9 0 3 5 0 A 9 6 3 4 o a 9 8 3 4 4 A 9 6 3 4 8 2 9 8 3 t B B 9 S 3 8 4 B 9 9 t n e F o e o l H e1 F t 4 a c r o F i l t e r H o I d H c o F q Hexadec mal Line FeedFanctiorl TheMlDlfunctions caneilherbewrapped 10make full useof ihe screen width or d spavedone...

Страница 17: ...IDL o o MIDI Meryc Function TheM D Merge functon s switched oN oFF bymeans of the llEll key Thestatusof theMerge f ncton isdisplayed attherighlsrde oi lhescreenlustabove theKeyMenuarea Thedefault selllng is Mergeofi f thet lefge i nctjon s ON E s activated and depend ng onwhetheryou selecled MFonor MFotl theclala wll passthrough or by pass thefilter belore reacfiing theM D OUTlermina f theMerge lu...

Страница 18: ...r a line ofdeta thelineisstored Presslng the l keywil cause thesame neto bedisplayed agan Creaiing MacroSymbols t ispossible toassgndatalosyrabo jcvarabes sothatthese symbols stand foftheassgnedvalLe n further inpul Sucha defniiionuses lheequal sign Example Typein V 80 07 and pressF iiUnNl V is delined lenglh 02 Thelength isthenLmbef oibytes affected tolhesymboV ltyoLrtorgotthe comma orspace betwe...

Страница 19: ... precedence overtheold deiiniUon To erasea symboliake lhe following sleps TypeintheLl commandand press FETUnNl tne listoi deiinedsymbols willbed splayed loexit lr e lsr disolay p ess any ey To erasea regislered symbol PCfor instance typein PC and pressl M 1 To eraseall symbols typein theSC symbolclear command and pressIRETURNI Erasingsymbolsis sometimes necessary to iree up someraemory spaceln ord...

Страница 20: ... thatis theaddress ol theleitmost data Displayed address 0008 53 20 20 20 3 l 20 19 F7 Address ofeachbyte a7 04 0l Whenswitching fromtheMemory Dumpmodeto thelvonior modereception ot newdatastarts A string oi 24EF H codes is howevernseired between thenewandtheolddata Asa receDtion of 24 consecutve EF H codesneveroccursn MID commLrnication thesecodeswil constituLe a gooo separator andmakeit easyfory...

Страница 21: ...the memory TheGEtcomrnand isusedtoselecia blockofdatafromihe memory andstorell lntothePaste Buffer A maximurn of 256bytescan betransferred at a iime Example Typein cE 8D 95 and presslFETUnNl A spacemustalwaysbe eft between a commandand its paramete s Parameters maybese paraleooya commaor a space Thetwo parameters of ihe GEcommandindicatethetirsiand lastaddresso thedatato bestored intothe PasieBuff...

Страница 22: ... 5 9 0 9 S 3 9 4 0 a o g o 0 0 0 0 6 0 E E A E E g E g 6 g g A g E A E E A g E S E g E g g o a B a E F E F E F E F E F E F E F E F E F E F E F E F E F E F E F E F E F E F 4 g 9 3 4 g 9 g 3 4 3 4 g g 9 g 3 1 4 9 i B 3 7 4 g 9 8 3 1 B B 4 9 3 J E A 9 8 3 E 3 9 B 9 g 3 7 4 9 9 A 9 E 3 5 4 A 9 0 3 5 0 4 9 9 E 3 4 S 9 0 3 9 3 7 E E i E 3 4 4 B i A L L e g O g g B g g O o 6 1 6 8 B g e 0 E I B E 3 5 B E...

Страница 23: ...24 www cx5m net ...

Страница 24: ... 25 www cx5m net ...

Страница 25: ...Rlock Di hF olow g d grdn hows heope arion orlhe V Dl 4acro Aosemble M D M O N I T O F t v o M A c B o GEI o ouMP OBJECT DATAO 26 www cx5m net ...

Страница 26: ...l The Filemodeis usedfor saving loading eilherthesourceor objectdata Theobiectdata saved in thismodecan beusedwiththelVlDlRecorder YFM 301 orlhe RXEditor YRlVl 302 Inthis manual sourcedata refersto thedala you actuallyediitwhiJe objectdata refersto the dataIhatcanbeactuallytransmittedtoa MlDlinstrume nt Thesourie dataconsistofN 4lDl messages symboJs standing forMlDlmessages yoi maydetine these sym...

Страница 27: ...Vacro Assembler EditMode Command Ilenu HelpScre n FileN 4ode Thesescreenscanbeprintedoutbyusngthe key RefertoChapter2 HardCopyofthescreens rI rr9 tore di tect9re blocL 1Q ecPs h n coPe lml to r 1r_ i ijiFiifft il i illift T1 fi f 5 i r n n block a r rz e r eF aB 4O www cx5m net ...

Страница 28: ...atad splay Datablockmanagement Screend splay Delete copy Swap Printout Eow to Enter a Comhtarnd TheleJi column oftheHelpMenuindicaies theavailable commands andwhichparametertsl youmay enteralongwiththecornmand Thefullnameof eachcommand is disptayed ontyfor easyunoer slanding when entering a command jusitypetheupper case tette s of thecommand Exarnpie Sedll Symbol Edit rtype inS AspaceI etween a co...

Страница 29: ...Data To edlta blockof source daia enteriheE comrnand olowedbya blankspaceandthenumber of theblockyouwanttoedit Example E 6 IFETURNI Theblocknumbers range Jrom 1to 16 andiheselected blocknumber wlllbedisplayed ontheSource DataEdiiscreen SourceDataEditScreen l tlane e ForL 3 serbol oegl P rt TSVI1BOL TAILE INFORI IATION 5 1 72 7 1 N ne Foh 9 sehbol4 eopeL t p rt I LoCKINFoRIIATIoNI Font 2 3 5 7 30_ ...

Страница 30: ...oacK Io tneHeo screen lfyoumistakenly pressed the keywh e ediiing Macro symbols Jorinstance iusrenrerthe S command again Pressins the keywhiteedling lvacrosymbots ll iliswiichthesystem to theSourceDataEdit screen see Notebelow Pressing theE keywhile editing Source datawil switch thesystem to theSymbot Edtlsoreen Thefollowing explains theuseof speciat keysthatmakeiteasyto editdaiain either Source D...

Страница 31: ...xt previous datablock rrmrnnnrurrrmrrrrrr lsntrfl p uunnnnrrmurlt 2 15 ll l m E lrrrlrllllllrrrlllnrrrrrtll BackSpace Pressing E willdeleteonecharacter to theleftofthecursoranddragthecharaciers oi th a llnefrom thecursor postionto theendoJthelinebackonecharacter space to theleii Delele Presslng ihe E keywillclelete the characterthe cursoris overand drag the restol the lineone characterto thelefi P...

Страница 32: ...rposition Dataaresi in thePaste Buller whlletheMlDlMonitor program is in use cEtcommand Thisfeature provides aneasywayto inilialize yoursource data NameRegistratlon EachbLock of Source datacanbeassigned a name ThisnamewiLl beusedbytheYamaha t 1tDt Fe corderor RXEditorto selectthefileto betoaded Pressinq the E keyin theSourceDataEditmodefiroves the cursorto the Bock NameArea Type in thename 6charac...

Страница 33: ...editedbutihe abovementioned llnes willbereset to lhelrdefaull whendlspayedbythelVlDR corder Thefollowing keys feature rnterest ngediting functions lFbMEt 90 rotaiion coLrnterclockwise N verticalreflecton oJthe Pattern lSHrtrfl m m l j L l translation ln thedireciion ofthearrow 32x 32bll period lrABl intializat on onlv lhetwoabovementioned llnes appear 34 www cx5m net ...

Страница 34: ...ion Wheel Control Solet sfirstanalyzewhatthesemessages mustconsisiof P ogramChange TheProgramChangemessage ismadeol lwo bytes a statusbyteidentitying the restof themessage andspecifying theMlDlChannel anda daiabyiespecify ngthenewvoice Status 1I00nnnnor Cn H voice 0ppppppp Since theFB 01 issetto reception channel 1 n 0 andthestatus bytes mustbeCo H or 192 D MlDlChannels arenumbered from1 to 16 whi...

Страница 35: ...arlinglhe Edllor I theMlDlMonitor program ls enabled pressthe E keyto swtchto the MlDlMacroAssembler program f yolrarenotin theCommandmodeof the M D N 4acro Assernb er presslhe keyonceor twice Lrntil yougetthecommand node Wea egoingto wrietheabove datain blockL Enter theE 1 command Typein E l and pressIFETURNI lfyoualready have some datanblockl selectanotherbock DataInpul Eachdaiashould bewriiien ...

Страница 36: ...lay iistof theavailable commands Assembling is carriedout bytheA command Type inA l andpress IRETURNI display theobjeci data usetheOcommand IypeinO 1 ard p ess otethat all theobjectdata arenowdisplayed in hexadecimal notalion Ttansmlttlng the Obiect Data ssE lo enabie theCommand modeanduselh E y o Sobacklo ll eHeiolvanL ssionof theobjecldatais carriedoul bytheOUcommand Thiscommand accepislwo pa et...

Страница 37: ...possibie or willprodLrce unwanted results Thesyntaxs thesubjecl ofthissection Werecomraend youcarelully readthefollowing explanat ons Aconstanlsanumericvalue lntheaboveexample ouTsourceiextwascTeatedbyinputof only Asyounoticedwe usedboihdecimal andhexadecirna notaUon accordingtowhch notaton waslhe mosiconvenieni There areaclually fourlegalnotaiions fortheconsianls Decimall olalion Simply write the...

Страница 38: ...inedn eachindv dua blocK oroara TheA command refers totheGlobalSymbolTable inorderioconvertthesyanbolinto numberswnenever il appearsA localsymbol however willbeconverted intothecontents ii wasassigned n theblock Therefore youwllluseglobal symbo s forthesequences of n mbers whch appearlrequently in any ol yoursourceb ocksiyouVvill uselocalsymbo s whenyo wantlhe samesymbol to be assigned ditierent c...

Страница 39: ...caIliedoul a rdits esull uo liJ FolorIl_e erpreosion Constantsandoneb 4esymbolsarevalidoperands applyinganoperaiorioasymbolthatisassi morelhan one byteol data isinvalid Thetollowing tablegives a listoi theavaiable operators Operator Symbol Operation Example Commenis ultplicalion 20r 2 40 Division 10 2 08 Addition s90 6 s96 Subtraciion 68 34 J 22 Two sCornplement 40 C0 40 01000000 I Reverse eachbil...

Страница 40: ...lvesol lhe binarynotation 0000001 0100000 01 20 High7 bits Low7 bits oi 7 signilicantb ts isfunction isused rosimplify rheinp rlof heBylF Coun whenLsinS 8u t ddlaw lhYandhaSyslem usivemessage Thefunctionallows oreasyinputof a valuehigherthan 127io beencodedon 2 AMAHABULKDATAFORI IAT 11110000 Status FO H 0100001 1 lD 4 3 H 0000nnnn n ChannelNumber Offfl fl f t F o r m at N umber obbbbbbb l b Byteoo...

Страница 41: ...h timeyouhavesomedoubtabouitheresult ofafunction oran operation youmaytemporarily inpLrt thecorresponding datainanunused block assemble thisblock Acommand andthenhave a lookat theobiectcode o command InserrtngCornrizrrts A sourcedatatextthat you arecreatingtodaymayincludesymbols corresponding io complexoper alions lf youareto retrieve thesameiexi onemonthatter yol r willwelcome commentsgiving dela...

Страница 42: ... Toassemb e al lhe blocksLrse theAA command without parameters lf assembling canbecarried oui noerrorinthesource clata ihe messageCompeter appears n themessage areaOtheruise anerrormessage appears inthefolo rng Jormal error message b ll Fora rstoftheefiormessages please refer to theAppenctlx Todspayoneblockolobjeci data usetheOcommand Yo mayspeciJythe b ocknumber olhelwise lhe aslassembled blockwi...

Страница 43: ...l of aboul3 seconds belween con secutive transmissions SO iransm tsa singe byleeach timeyoLpress thespace barafter entering ihecommand WiihtheOUandL commands youmayspecify an inlerval oftimebelween eachslep Examp e OU 1 4 oulpulblockI withanintervaof4seconds betweeneachstep Theintervalranges from0 to40seconds Toabort iheiransmission press the lsToFlteys Thestep currenlly being transrnitted isdispl...

Страница 44: ...eor obiect directory Press IRETUPNI roconlrmor another keyto abort TheK cornmand s usedto efasea s nge errormessage appears Alteryouenter lhe appears w tlrtlremessage Areyousur C a Elock TheC command allows youto copyoneblockto another Thefirstparameter ndcatestneoroclr ro becopiedithe second parameter indicates thedestnationblock Examplel C 1 2 copesblock1 on block2 t 1ooTonr _ Thedeslnationblock...

Страница 45: ... to green duringprintlng To printonyoneblockenteronlyone parameter i e p 1 To prinitheglobalsymbol table enierP 0 Toaboritheprlnting operatlon press laTB fl lS oPl THENTURN THEPRINTER o FFANDoN toclearthe Drnter butter Example ol printout s URcE BL0CK H0 81 tRxlnchl 941 Ht RXPC F0 45 10 3 SD 1 116 SDHV SDI 4D 1 SDL I 2 SDHT 3 BD1 118 BDt 41 0 BDt 12 1 BDHVY 2 HHCL 120 HHCl 0 HHC2 1 HHPD 2 HHOP 121...

Страница 46: ...rdbytegives thesub status andthel 4lDl channe Thesub statLrs required heres 1 Thegroupandsub group numbers indcatelhetypeofdata Foran RX lI thismustbe3 Theparameter nufaber indrcates thelypeof parameter TheDatabyleprovdesthevaueol theparameier Thelastbytendicates theEndOf Exclus vemessage Noteihatforeachmessage of thistypethaiwe haveto createthefirstfo r bytes w I be dentical if lhey appy tothesam...

Страница 47: ...ous screen w ll bedisplayed again ISVI4SOL TAFLE INFORI IATION 433 1 RXPC 3Fa t43 t18 3 i 5iH0 6 sDr rD 1 sDL I 9DHT 3 5 801 118 6 Dr 11 9 BDt 12 1 EDHUV 2 HHCL 1eo e HHCI A HHC2 1 HHPD z HFol 6 HHoz 1 Youmayuseanodsymbolinthedefinitionofanewsymbol lfyouhave forinstance alreadydet ned a symbolPaCh PaCh gFo 943 910 forchanging theparameters of a DX7 youmaysfrorten theabove definition anddefine RXPC...

Страница 48: ...theFB 01 SwitchtotheMD Montorprogram N 4onitormodetoloenabethereceptonofdataJromtheFB lpressLl l Operale theFB 01 to effect a b lk dump Thedatawlllappear onyourscreen Press E io switch to lheMemory Durap mode Thedatastoredn thememory shoLr d beDerween lhe 0001and00ABaddresses Thedatashould consisi of F0 Fl 43 H 75 H 00 H 00 H 01 N F7 N i youalready hadsomething ln thememory tfrestaftandendaddresse...

Страница 49: ...extension is auiomatically appendediolhe filename Sou ce lilMs Objecr MMD Thisexiensionfill makeit easierto identifythefilesdisplayedin the Directory Areabui doesnot workwiihcassette taperecotders 52 www cx5m net ...

Страница 50: ...www cx5m net ...

Страница 51: ...given ln lhesamecolumn ll nototheMise specified m andn standforblocknumbers 1 16 MIDI Monitor Commandsavailablein both Monilorand lremory DumpModes CommandsAvailablein MemoryDumpirode Only Command Clear CL Cears themernory FR Returns the numberof bytesleftfor symbolregistration Llst LI Displays thelistof registered symbols SClear sc Erases a lreglslered symbols PR lype mode SpecJies theprinter and...

Страница 52: ...u I form thelaslassembled block our oU m t oulpul of theobjectdatabock m I is the nterval seconds between outputof lwoconsecutive byles Defau I form thelaslassernbled b ock Defau t forl 0 rn ODirectory OD D s p l a l o c t a o l e o f l l e o J p L l b l o l s n a n o l e rg 5 OCopy OC m n Copies lheoblect datab ockm rntotfieobjecl datablock oKitl OK m Deletes theobject dalain b ockm osw OSW m n S...

Страница 53: ...rinter DumpON OFF L9rM to url Interrupts printout Keyc ickON OFF Edir EE Cursor movernent ITAEI Wrtesthecontents of lhetemplate N Insert modeON OFF Characterdelete cursorstatlonary Bacl spaceandcharacler delele lFEruRNl Enters a command tE l Cancels a command input E Displays theHep screen tRtrrJRNl Nextpage Backio Monitor mode Switching E JVernory Durnp mode E l llDl MacroAssemb er program F terE...

Страница 54: ...testhecontenlsof thetempate lnsert modeON OFF Characler delete cursor staijonary Backspaceandcharacter delete Enters a command Cance s commandnpul Displsys theHelpscreen Nextpage Backto I lemory Dumpmode Switching lvlonitor mode lj llDMacroAssembler program Filler Editmode Selected dataON oFF Message ONiOFF ChannelON OFF System Messages asa wholeON OFF Fecalls previous setting Backio lVontoror Mem...

Страница 55: ...deON OFF lDEal Character delete cursor stationary E BachSpace andcharacter deleie lFEru RN I Enters a command tEsdl Cancels a command input Execution Interrupt pnnlout E Displays Nelpscreen Swltching to E lvllDl Monitor program Category Specilicalion MUEE lREruRNl Selects an item enters a filename Backto Command mode 58 www cx5m net ...

Страница 56: ...lowthe cursor lFEru FN I Linebreak E Stores thelinelhecursor ison E Wriesihecontenis oi thePaste Buffer atlhe cursor posilron source dataediting WritestheI nesloredby E Fegstraton E Bocknarne E Block font E Swtches to theSymbol EdI screen Execution L Vi Icinrl lsioFl Interrupts print out Exit LE9II Backto Command mode FontEdit MUEE 15PrcE B ue White dot IDEII Reflection N lnbMEl 90orotation coLrnt...

Страница 57: ...mmand name lncorTecl command namewas UsecorTect command names lllegal symbolname lncorreci symbol namewasused Usecorrectsymbolnames Symboltableovedloru Thesymbol table lsfuL Delete unnecessry symbols Toolongll Asymbolis toolong A symbolshou d beshorterthan 255bytes Messag a Cause lllegslcommand ncorrecl commano wasuseo Usecorrect commands lltegalargumenl lncorrect command parameters Inputcofrect p...

Страница 58: ...ernal AnerrorhasoccUred during calasavrng Checkthestateol theexternal Thelloppydisks wrte protected Sidethewrite protection tab to thec osedposition al File Name llegalJie name used Specif a correct fie na ne Thef e specified wasnolfound Spec ly thecorreclfile name display thedirectory Thefloppy diskisnoicorrectly Sel the d sl conectly Trying lo savedatato a Uoppy d skwilhnoavaiable area Delete un...

Страница 59: ... 70 71 24 25 26 27 2A 29 2A 28 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 42 43 45 46 47 c4 c 4 D4 D 4 E4 G4 G 4 B4 c5 c 5 D5 D 5 E5 F5 G5 G 5 A5 A 5 B5 c6 c 6 D6 D 6 E6 F6 F 6 G6 G 6 A6 A 6 B6 72 73 74 15 16 77 78 79 80 81 a2 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 106 107 48 49 4B 4C 4D 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 62 63 64 65 66...

Страница 60: ... 7 7 a 7 9 7 B 7 D 7 E t 2 a 1 2 9 t 3 0 3 2 1 3 6 t 3 7 1 3 4 1 3 9 4 0 1 4 1 1 4 2 r 1 3 t 4 4 1 1 6 1 4 4 L 4 9 1 5 0 1 5 2 1 5 3 r55 1 5 6 5 7 t 5 a 1 6 0 1 6 1 t 6 2 1 6 3 t 6 4 1 6 5 t 6 6 1 6 7 t 6 a 1 6 9 1 7 0 L 7 L t 7 2 1 7 3 7 7 4 r 7 5 1 7 6 1 7 7 1 8 1 7 9 1 4 0 1 4 1 t a 2 1 4 3 1 8 4 L a 5 1 4 6 1 8 7 1 8 4 1 8 9 r90 1 9 1 10000000 10000001 10000010 10000011 10000r00 10000101 10000...

Страница 61: ...ormation reaches allslavenstruments andeachinstrument hasto pickouionv the portion ofthe MDlmessagethatisreevanttothem Thisispossiblebecauseamessagecancafryanden aMDlChannelNLlmber TheMDStandardallowstorl6differentl 4DlChannelsThsworks f a MLDI inslrument is setto rece veon MlDlChannel forexample a message carryjng a diJferent MlDl Channel Number wil bediscarded This teature allowsforthetransmissi...

Страница 62: ...tern to a lowihereceivjng instrument distjnguish whichbyiesarestatusbytesand whicharedata bytes Thetrjckis theMSBof a srarus is aways l whiletheMSBdf a dala byteisatways0 Therefore statusbytesrangejrom80 H to H anddalabyres from00 H to7F H maythinkon onehand thatwedo notneedasmuchas128different siatusbytes andontheother nd thal128different values rstoofewfofsomeparameters tikepitchBend l we do noi...

Страница 63: ...On MonoOn PolyOn lu t 00 off l7F on 7F 7F 00 Oll TFrOn 00 00 00 00 0A Number of Channels 00 Program Change Cn Program N mber ChanneAllertouch Dn selting HigherT bitsof the setting i e E 2 9 2 a ta t System E clusive FO IVanufacturer lDcode tlp to themanufacturer SongPosition F2 seiting HjgherTbitsof the setlrng SongSelect F3 SongNLmber F4 F5 F6 Endol Exclusive Timing Clock F8 F9 Sla Continue FB St...

Страница 64: ...hanne l0l I nnnn n Channel 1100n nnn n Channel Bn H CONTROL CHANGE Theconlrolnu nber indcaleswhch contronumber isbengmovedand thedatandcates thepositonoflhecontroler Intheabovechart contro changes I 7 are continuous controers Sjderor wheel typecon trolers Theycarrydataln therange of 00 Fl 7F N Controlchanges 40 H a3 H are on offswitchtypecontroe s and carrydataol e ther00 H or 7F Fl Control change...

Страница 65: ... are al for conifollingsequencers and rhythmmachines SeetheMlDllmplementation Chartforyourdevice FE H ACTIVESENSING ll thereare no MlDlmessages that havebeensent one oi thesels s 6nt every300msec iust io let the receivingdevjcesknow that there is still someone outthere lf therehavenotbeenany llDl messages fora long time like1 2 a second the receiving devjceassumes thal someerror hasoccurred eg a M...
