Remove flaring tool:
use adjustable end \wrench
to unscrew post from Plusnut®.
Reassemble tool
for next Plusnut®.
set into hole.
tighten nut on tool using
1/2” wrench and adjustable
end or 7/16” wrench.
Tighten only until
there is a noticeable
increase in the force.
Place tracks on roof
aligning holes.
Install bolt
outline front hole.
Pivot tracks to allow for
drilling and installation
of front Plusnuts®.
Repeat steps 9-11
for the back hole
on the other track.
Measure the distance between the
rear bolt holes center to center.
a. Measure from the driver’s side rear
hole to the passenger’s side front
hole mark.
B. Measure from the passenger’s side
rear hole to the driver’s side front
hole mark. If these measurements
are not the same, your tracks are not
square. You must adjust the track
placement until the corner to corner
measurements are equal.
Center punch, pilot, drill, clear, seal, install Plusnut®
Into FRont HoLe. (steps 5 through 11)
Install front bolts
through track into
CAUTION - Do not drill for every hole in the
track! Count the number of Plusnuts® that
came with your tracks and plan for an equal
number of Plusnuts® on each side.
punch or
drill through
Mark the front
most holes at that
same measurement
making sure both
holes are at an
equal distance
from the edges of
the vehicle.