1033359E - 6/24
position hooks
at side mounting
points directed
by the fit sheet
center the carrIer On the car,
position the side strap hooks.
unlIsteD vehIcles:
side hooKs
• mount to the side of the trunk/hatch.
• position the hooks so they will not
slide up or down when tightened.
tighten side stRaps.
Pull the straps
tighter with two
bundle the extra
strap ends into the
Pull the straps
tighter with
two hands.
note: if it is difficult to get the hook in, insert it at a
wider section and then slide it into place.
open the
trunK Door.
position the pads
inside the trunk
with the straps
hanging free.
before closIng the trunK:
Be sure the pads are free from contact
between trunk door and vehicle’s frame.
attach the top strap
hooks to hold the carrier
as you continue.
• ClOse the truNK.
• pull firmly on the straps to
seat the pads.
Remove the
caRRieR fRom
the caR.
replacIng lower strap hooKs
pull lower straps completely out of the hub.
Insert the new straps from inside the hubs.
Thread new strap-end back into buckle.