Be Sure all hardWare
IS SeCured aCCordIng
to InStruCtIonS.
hardWare Can looSen
oVer tIme. CheCK
BeFore eaCh uSe, and
tIghten IF neCeSSary.
• There must be adequate clearance for
installing accessory locks.
• If the accessory lock housing comes
in contact with the vehicle, even after
loading the rack, do not install them.
yaKIma aCCeSSory loCKS
Can loCK the mountS to
the raCKS
(lock housings purchased
rear hatCh
Some longer loads may
prevent the rear hatch
from fully opening.
alWayS uSe
CautIon When
openIng your hatCh.
do not tranSport BICyCleS WIth
attaChed BaBy SeatS, pannIerS, Wheel
CoVerS, Full BIKe CoVerS or motorS.
Follow the YAKIMA Fit List or your owner’s manual for
your rack’s weight limit. Do not exceed the factory
weight limit of your vehicle’s racks.
Maximum rack’s weight is 165 lbs. (75 kg) unless otherwise noted.
IF you remoVe your CarrIer, FolloW
InStruCtIonS to InStall.
Follow safety checks in accessory
instructions before every installation.
MaxIMuM bIKe WeIghT Is 50 Lbs. (23 Kg).