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to move the frames, pull and turn both
red triggers on the outer hubs.
loAd ARmS
ROtate tHe uppeR fRame away
fROm tHe lOweR fRame.
Do not Install thIs
carrIEr on a vEhIclE
lIstED as “no FIt”.
fitting yOuR caR…
Rotate the trigger
until it remains
pulled out.
FInD your mEasurEmEnt
In thE FIt shEEt.
See FITTINg YoUR CAR (above).
• With the pads flat, measure from the inside
edges of the tubes.
pOsitiOn tHe fRames.
unlIstED vEhIclEs:
pOsitiOn tHe fRames.
On a flat surface, move the frames apart.
Follow these guidelines to position your frames on your car.
uppeR fRame
• With triggers out, adjust
upper frame until it rests on
the vehicle.
• The position is relative to
the lower frame and will
depend on vehicle shape.
lOweR fRame
• A common location is a well-
supported license plate, just above
or below the numbers.
• Press the area firmly with your
hand. If deformation occurs,
choose another location.
• Do not place the lower frame on glass, plastic, or thin metal.
• Some vehicles have a large section of poorly supported metal
that will dent under weight.
Caution: Some vehicles have a spoiler. if any
part of the carrier contacts the spoiler, do not
use this product.
When you see this icon, find
your vehicle at fitlookup.
yakima.com, or on the Yakima
Fit List for frame measurement,
strap positions, and critical
notes about your fit.
IF your car Is not lIstED
at www.fitlookup.yakima.
com, or on the Yakima Fit List, call 888-925-4621 in the USA
and canada, or see your dealer.
unlIstED vEhIclEs:
IF your car cannot bE FounD
at www.fitlookup.
yakima.com, or on the yakima Fit list, or through the dealer
or yakima) it is “unlisted”. Install the carrier as directed in
these instructions where this icon appears.
Caution: although your carrier is covered by a warranty
(see final page), Yakima cannot warranty any installation
onto any vehicle that is not listed in the Yakima Fit List or
• You will need a measuring tape.
• On a flat surface, move the frames apart.