Inner Knob (SUB AF)
The inner [SUB AF] knob sets the audio level of the
SUB band receiver.
It is similar to the MAIN Band knob operation.
Outer Knob (RF/SQL)
Adjusts the RF gain and the SQL (squelch).
It is similar to the MAIN Band knob operation.
Inner Knob (MIC/SPEED)
Adjusts the microphone gain (microphone sensitivi-
ty) (0 to 100) in SSB and AM modes.
In CW mode, adjusts the keying speed of the built-
in electronic keyer (4 WPM - 60 WPM).
When the knob is turned, the display will
show the relative microphone gain or the
keying speed for 1/2 second.
When pressed in SSB mode, turns the AMC or
speech processor ON/OFF (page 50, 51).
When pressed in CW mode, the built-in electronic
keyer is turned ON/OFF (page 60).
Outer Knob (PROC/PITCH)
In SSB mode, adjusts the level of AMC or the
Speech Processor (1 to 100).
In CW mode, adjusts the CW tone (300 Hz to 1050
Hz) when receiving the CW signal and the side
tone monitor.
When the outer [PROC/PITCH] knob is
turned, the AMC level, Compression level
or the Spot tone frequency setting will be
shown for 1/2 second in the display.
Refer to “Voice Communications (SSB and
AM)” on page 50 for the setting.