To set the radio up you must do the following:
1. First, set each band to the desired frequencies. Once both sides of the radio are in "Memory mode",
frequencies can be selected by rotating the upper dial knob on each side. You can also use VFO mode
but it is easier to have memories set for cross band use. Remember you can only
band repeat. In
band repeat will not work. Both sides should be set for PL Decode to keep unwanted signals from
bringing up the unit and locking it up in transmit.
Typically you will set the LEFT side of the radio for the outside world frequency that you will be going
into. The RIGHT side will get set with the frequency that your HT is set for. You can enter cross band
repeat mode from either side, it is determined by which band is the main band when you enter the cross
band repeat mode, it does not matter.
2. Now set the power levels by pushing the "LOW" button on EACH side until you
have the
lowest power settings
. Always select the LOWEST possible settings.
(It would be good to check the mobile rig for overheating now and then).
3. Next push the center SET KEY button (unmarked) momentarily (not more than ½ second). This puts
you into menu mode.
4. Rotate the top DIAL knob on whichever side of the radio that displays the menu
selection until you see "X-RPT" (MENU # 45). (It doesn't matter which side it is
5. Then push the same DIAL knob momentarily, TWICE, to start the cross-band
repeat operation.
TO EXIT CROSS-BAND: Push the center SET button (unmarked) momentarily.
Major note: You must to wait for the repeater to drop before replying.
Shanon KA8SPW 2-11-2011