Instructions to set the Yaesu FT-8800 radio into Cross Band Repeat Mode
Typically in Cross Band Repeat mode you will be using the mobile radio to repeat a desired frequency
to your HT so that you will have coverage from inside a building. This mode is also perfect to add a
poor RF location to a repeaters coverage for an emergency net. It is frowned upon to leave any cross
band repeater up and operating without permission of the repeater owner. It is also considered illegal
to leave it unattended without a control operator.
When IDing it is good to say “This is KA8SPW using a cross band repeater”. This tells the other
people on the net to key up and wait a second before talking or their first word may be missed. A good
Net Control Station will remind the net now and then that “Cross band repeat mode is in use, please
delay your first word a moment before speaking. When using a cross band repeater, it takes a moment
for each radio to open squelch before audio is passed. It is always good operating practice to key and
wait a moment before speaking anyway!
Normally the rig and antenna is setup in your vehicle. You may also elect to set the mobile rig up with
a base power supply in a tall building or on top of a hill. Maybe inside a rooftop equipment room with
a magnetic mount antenna stuck to a metal air duct. Pick a good vantage point that produces the
coverage you need using your HT.
As always, when using this or any other mobile radio in cross band repeat operation,
BOTH bands on
the mobile radio MUST BE SET TO LOW POWER or it will burn up!!
Set up the rig sometime when the repeater is not in use and test the operation. Please do not do so the
first time during a net. If it goes bad it will kill the net. Not a way to make friends and influence
people.... Ask another ham to get on the repeater and help you test. Note how the audio is changed a
little. Note the delays.
Major note: You must to wait for the repeater to drop before replying.
Also, did I forget to say,
BOTH bands on the mobile radio MUST BE SET TO LOW POWER or
it will burn up!!
Good Luck!
Shanon, KA8SPW
Shanon KA8SPW 2-11-2011
Instructions to set the Yaesu FT-8800 radio into Cross Band Repeat Mode