Click the “VFO B” tab to edit the VFO of the B band.
Descriptions for each item are as follows. Items other than the following are the same as those of
“Memories”. See "Memories" (Page 24).
Receive Frequency
Enter the Band A VFO frequencies (upper section) and Band B VFO frequencies (lower section) for
each band. The FT2DR/DE, Band A and Band B VFO default frequencies are set in the standard
templates of the ADMS-8 programmer.
A frequency that is out of the transceiver’s range cannot be entered. When the error pop-up window
is opened, enter the correct frequency.
Transmit Frequency
When the shift direction is set to -/+, the transmit frequency can be set as desired. In other cases,
the transmit frequency display is grayed out, and it will be set automatically, in accordance with the
receive, and the offset frequencies.