1) Problem: The AI Dashcam is unable to take pictures and record videos.
Solution: Please try formatting the MicroSD card.
2) Problem: The AI Dashcam shows that the memory card is full.
Solution: Please 1) Switch the G-sensor to “Mid” or “Low”, 2) Take the
MicroSD card out and clear the “Event” folder manually on
your computer.
3) Problem: Message showing “The file is crashed” or “SD card error”
Solution: Please format the MicroSD card. You’ll find the “Format”
feature under System Setting.
4) Problem: The image looks foggy.
Solution: Please try cleaning the camera lens.
5) Question: Can I buy my own MicroSD memory card?
Answer: Yes, but please make sure you purchase one that is U3 rated
with the max capacity of 512GB.
The AI Dashcam is designed to be powered on while the vehicle
is running. The built-in capacitor is only designed for storing documents
when the vehicle’s engine is off. The capacity of the built-in capacitor is
limited. Please connect the AI Dashcam to the vehicle’s on-board power
supply for daily use.
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