XYZ Machine Tools
ProtoTRAK RMX TMC control, Safety and Quick Start Guide
This guide provides important safety Information and a very brief description of the operation of the
CNC control.
Full safety and operating information is provided in the ProtoTRAK TMC Safety, Programming,
Operating, and Care Manual. Please take time to read and understand these manuals before using
the machine. These manuals can be downloaded from the support pages of our website
The ProtoTrak TMC machines are designed as dual purpose, Production/Toolroom Machining Centres.
When used in Production mode, the machine can only be operated when the enclosure door is closed.
With the door open all machine movement is inhibited.
However, switching the mode select to the SETUP position allows limited machine operation (primarily
for tool/job setup) with the door open. Due to the increased risk this presents to the operator, it is
important that the operator understands what functions are active in SETUP mode and how they can
be used safely.
Please refer to the description of the Production/Setup switch on the Run Panel (In the Operating
Controls Section).
As with any machine tool, it is important that the responsible person (employer or machine
Undertakes a Risk Assessment on the use of this machine,
Generates and applies Safe Operating Procedures for the use of the ProtoTrak machine
Provides any additional training, safeguarding and PPE identified by the risk assessment.
Ensures the machine is only used by suitably trained, experienced and motivated operators.
These responsibilities fall to the machine controller under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Regulations (1998) or equivalent local regulations.
Please note the following about the intended, and restrictions on, use of this machine:
The machine is designed for the machining of cold metal within the stated capacity of the
machine with axes movement occurring by manual use of handwheels or CNC control.
It is designed to be used in a standard workshop environment only (temperature range: 10°C
to 30°C, altitude: <1000m).
This machine must not be used for machining flammable materials (e.g. magnesium) without
undertaking a risk assessment and incorporating any additional safety measures identified.
The following Safety Features must be checked on a regular basis (e.g. at the start of every shift):
Press the E-stop button and ensure that the control flags up faults 261 (E-stop active)
and 0055 (machine disabled) and that the axes and spindle cannot be started. Apply
this test to both the Run panel and hand held MPG E-stop buttons.
The side doors are also wired into the E-stop circuit. Check that the machine is E-
stopped whenever these doors are removed (e.g. for maintenance)
Front Door Interlock
Check the door is always locked except when the DOOR button has been pressed.
Open the door and check that the door open message appears on the screen and that
maximum feedrate is limited to 2m/min (78 ipm).
Check the machine does not move when either JOG, EHWs or HH MPG are activated.
Press in the enable button of the Hand Held MPG and confirm that the axes can be
moved. Whilst moving the axes, release the enable button and confirm the axes stops.
Guards: Inspect the guards for signs of damage (especially the transparent panels). Replace
if any part of the guard is damaged. Replace the transparent panels in accordance with the
stated schedule, regardless of their apparent condition (see the FAQ on our website for why
this is important).