1. Check you have everything required for this installation. Test the camera locally before mounting or running any
cables to ensure that it is working correctly. If it at this time you find any missing items or require any assistance
please contact our technical team on 0871 222 1430.
Now that you’ve completed step one, find the cameras mounting position. Ideally this needs to be mounted above the
main beam of the vehicle headlights; 6-8 feet from the ground is a good suggested height. Once you have found this
location proceed to run all the cables and mount the camera. You can make any adjustments to the cameras angle
by using these two parts:
3. Once the cameras mounted get your assistant to do a few practice runs; this will help you find the best angle to
capture the number plate. Once you’ve found your ideal location get the vehicle to stop there.
4. For this step you might require a test monitor, the enclosed test lead
(pictured to the right), or another person to view the monitor while
you adjust the camera. If you are going to use a test monitor with the
test lead please insert here: