L2 Trucking Products Inc
Page 11
Place the grain coupler over the low speed nut on the grain hopper trailer door. Raise the lock
plate, if it exists, to allow for both nuts to freely turn.
If using the T.E.D. straps, attach the straps properly to the trailer. Use of a T.E.D. is required to
prevent the drill from rotating when in operation.
If using the permanent T.E.D. insert the T.E.D. tube/rod into the corresponding, larger
diameter, tube on the trailer at the same time the coupler is slid over the grain hopper door
nut. (Grain trailers can be safely operated with a single support connector.)
When the hopper door is approaching fully opened or fully closed, slow the rotation down. This
will prevent the quick stop that may occur when reaching the open or close tabs.
ALWAYS, keep both hands on the drill when raising or lowering the trailer legs.
This is especially important, even when the T.E.D. straps are being used.
DRILL OPERATION – Grain Hopper Doors