LaserFOCUS VLF-500 Product Guide
The AutoLearn Smoke LED will remain on for the duration of the AutoLearn process. At the start
of the process the alarm thresholds are set to the default values. During this learning cycle, alarm
conditions can be reported. If an alarm condition occurs (Alert or higher alarm) AutoLearn will not
complete its cycle. In this situation restart the AutoLearn process. If AutoLearn is stopped by you
or due to an alarm condition, the alarm thresholds will be left at the default settings.
Conditions during learning are assumed to be representative of normal operating
The AutoLearn Smoke learning times range from above 15 minutes to 15 days, with the default
being set to 14 days.
If AutoLearn is running during the changeover period from Day and Night Thresholds function,
make sure that AutoLearn runs for at least an hour in both the Day and Night.
Table 6 - AutoLearn Smoke range
*For code-specific information, see
Codes and Standards Information for Air Sampling Smoke
on page iv.
AutoLearn Flow
AutoLearn Flow process is initiated by pressing the recessed button numbered 2, which is
located under the field service access door. During the AutoLearn Flow process, the VESDA
LaserFOCUS determines the average and peak air flow levels monitored over time and sets
suitable air flow thresholds that will not give rise to false flow rates due to normal flow variations
(such as might arise through air-conditioning related false alarms). The system will normalize the
flow and then monitor the flow trend to set the flow fail thresholds.
The AutoLearn Flow indicator LED will remain on for the duration of the AutoLearn process. At
the start of the process the flow thresholds are set to the default values. During this learning
cycle, alarm conditions can be reported. If a flow fault is reached, AutoLearn will not complete its
cycle. In this situation restart the AutoLearn process. If AutoLearn is stopped by you or due to a
flow fault condition, the flow thresholds will be left at the default settings.
Conditions during learning are assumed to be representative of normal operating
The AutoLearn Flow learning times range from 15 minutes to 15 days, with the default being set
to 14 days.
VESDA System Configurator (VSC)
The VESDA System Configurator is an optional tool that allows all VESDA detectors to be
configured. All parameters can be set manually or previously saved configuration settings may
be applied. Refer to the VSC online help for details regarding the setting of these thresholds.
Alarm Level
AutoLearn Smoke Range
0.025 - 0.4 %obs/m (0.008 - 0.125 %obs/ft)*
0.044 - 0.7 %obs/m (0.014 - 0.219 %obs/ft)*
Fire 1
0.063 - 1.0 %obs/m (0.020 - 0.313 %obs/ft)*
Fire 2
0.313 - 5.0 %obs/m (0.100 - 0.563 %obs/ft)*