Issue 2.0 – 10/12/15 - 1152 Longitudinal Transaxle Sportscar Gearbox Manual
© 2015 - Xtrac Limited, Gables Way, Kennet Park, Thatcham, Berkshire. RG19 4ZA.
Xtrac Inc, 6183 W. 80th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46278. United States
Figure 3 - Correct Application of Torque Seal
Cluster Setup
The cluster should be assembled referring to the Xtrac assembly drawings 1152-
902-000A and 1152-996-000*, in conjunction with the instructions presented here.
Ratio Change Procedure
The instructions presented below describe the simplest method of changing a gear
ratio set.
Remove the 1254-932-000A Xtrac/Megaline ‘IVA’ pneumatic gearchange
actuator from the rear of the gearbox, by loosening the 2off M6 k-nuts, and
stow the unit safely.
Remove the cluster cover assembly from the gearbox, by loosening the 11off
M8 k-nuts and using the two M6 X 1.0 jacking threads if required.
Secure the
1152-499-008A Shaft Holding Tool (as part of the tooling assembly 1152-999-
005A) in a vice and place the cluster cover assembly on the holding tool,
rotating the layshaft and mainshaft as required so their respective splines
engage with the holding tool.
Remove the 1152-903-000A Pump Housing Assembly from the cluster cover
assembly, by loosening the 9off M6 k-nuts and using the two M6 X 1.0 jacking
threads if required. Store the pump housing assembly safely aside.
Remove the two circlips inside the layshaft and mainshaft locking nuts and
remove the splined lock rings. Loosen both locking nuts in turn, using the 199-
499-004A Gearbox Assembly Socket (as part of the tooling assembly 1152-