EZ400PRO Diagnosis System
Various pin definitions as follows:
1. Manufacturer definition
2. SAE J1850 bus positive
3. Manufacturer definition
4. Bodywork site
5. Signal site
6. ISO 15765-4 defined CAN high
7. ISO9141 and ISO14230 defined K line
8. Manufacturer definition
9. Manufacturer definition
10. SAE J1850 bus negative
11. Manufacturer definition
12. Manufacturer definition
13. Manufacturer definition
14. ISO 15765-4 defined CAN low
15. ISO9141 and ISO14230 defined L line
16. Permanent positive voltage
[1] 1, 3, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13 haven’t been distribution, which can be defined by manufacturer.
[2] 2, 6, 7, 10, 14 and 15 are used for diagnostic communication. They are always won’t be
used at the same time according to the actually used communication may be different. Unused
definitions can be defined by automakers.