Focusing on Laser Imaging and Decorating
xTool D1 Laser Engraver/Cutter
FIG. 1. The xTool D1, available as either a 5W or 10W version,
is the company’s first entry in the diode laser market. Credit: xTool
Construction. The D1’s solid aluminum alloy construction is
noteworthy since the xTool opted for the strongest materials,
yielding a laser head that glides smoothly on stainless steel wheels
along a wear-resistant guide rail structure, producing very im-
pressive laser spot accuracy and consistency, with a minimum
of vibration. The X and Y axis movement is controlled with
two stepper motors, contained within the frame, advancing the
pre-installed belts that deliver the laser head to its required co-
ordinates. With the stepper motors, belts, and electronics con-
cealed and protected within the frame, the overall look of the
D1 is exceptionally clean, sleek, and high-tech.
Assembly. The assembly process can take as little as 15 minutes
for an experienced assembler, or 30 to 45 minutes for a beginner.
The fit-and-finish of the parts is exceptional. Several of the com-
ponents, such as the belts, stepper motors, and motherboard
have been pre-assembled, not only reducing assembly time, but
ensuring that precision parts have been factory set.
Focus. Since focus is a critical element in producing usable out-
put, the D1 is notable since it offers a best-in-class solution.
A finger screw on the left side of the laser head loosens it so
that it can be moved up and down, closer or further from the
workpiece, along the Z-axis. The amount of upward movement
is significant, since it determines how high or thick the materi-
al that can be processed. A focus device, called the ranging rod
(FIG. 2), is built into the right side of the laser head and is held
in place magnetically. The user flips the rod down, adjusting the
laser head until the rod touches the workpiece. The laser is now
in focus, the set screw is tightened, and rod is returned to its
upright position. The built-in rod is not only convenient, but it
is always immediately accessible.
The maximum speed of the laser head is 10000mm/min. which
is considered exceptionally high.
The rated electric power of the laser head is 40W, outputting a
laser power of 10W. Rather than sell the device as a 40W laser,
xTool only touts its true laser strength of 10W. This honest as-
sessment of the true laser rating is, unfortunately, a rarity in the
The laser head is a bit of an engineering marvel, given that it
contains two 5W laser emitters; one directed straight down, and
a second directed at a 45 degree mirror (FIG. 3). They are cooled
by a built-in fan, that despite its strength, is relatively quiet. The
dual lasers produce a very small, square laser spot of 0.08mm
x 0.08mm which produces high-resolution images, and clean,
FIG. 2. The ranging rod, shown here in mid-position, offers the eas-
iest solution to setting accurate focus quickly and consistently.
The xTool D1 10W Laser Engraver/Cutter
The xTool D1 10W (FIG. 1) has been engineered by industrial designers who have produced high-end CO2
laser engraver/cutters, and who have applied their design and manufacturing know-how to enter the diode la-
ser market. The xTool D1 is the result of their mission to enter the hobbyist market with a machine that excels
in significant ways, including a motion accuracy precision of up to 0.01mm.
The parent company of xTool is Makeblock, a world-renowned company in the STEAM education space,
founded in 2013. It is a leading provider of technologies for education, with more than 100 worldwide dis-
tributor partners. xTool was launched in 2019 with its first product, the xTool Laserbox CO2 laser engraver/
©2022, Michael Kleper, Boynton Beach, FL. All rights reserved. This entry is an excerpt from
Focusing on Laser Engraving and Decorating:
Affordable, Versatile, and Creative Marking, Engraving and Cutting,
publication summer, 2022 on Amazon.