The front bumper decal will require the most attention as it is the largest/longest decal and has to bend around a compound curve. Begin by
placing a thin coat of window cleaning liquid on the front bumper area of the body. Once aligned, press down on the centre of the bumper
decal, where the 'XTM Racing' logo is, so that you have one point that is firmly attached. Notice that the bumper decal is surrounded by a
4mm black border. On the top portion of the decal, make small vertical cuts in the black border about 10mm apart. This will help the decal
'wrap' around the curve. With the cuts made, apply a small amount of pressure to the middle and lower portion of the bumper decal. A slight
amount of heat can be useful here. Once the bottom and middle portion of the decal is applied, begin by pressing the top portion of the decal
down beginning in the centre (near the 'XTM Racing' logo) and working your way to the outer edges near the wheel arches. Only do one
section at a time and use a heat gun to assist in bending the decal around the corners. The reason for doing one section at a time is so that
the decal can overlap onto itself if it needs to in the areas where you made the vertical cuts. If any air bubbles have formed under the decal,
apply a small amount of pressure with the knife to pierce the decal and release the air by pressing down on the affected area with your finger.
aPPlyinG tHe deCalS
Make cuts in border at 10mm intervals
The 'Tail Light' decals are best cut prior to removing them from the decal sheet. Note that there are silver-coloured borders surrounding the red and
yellow portions of each tail light, and a 3mm black border separating these two portions. Make a perpendicular cut from the top of each 'Tail Light'
decal coming down 20mm through the 3mm black border, closest to the silver border of the yellow signal portions, so that there is still 5mm of black
border joining each decal at the bottom. Carefully remove one of the tail light decals from the decal sheet being careful not to tear it as you do. Place
the red tail light portion of the decal on the rear of the body in the appropriate area and press on it to fix it in place. Next, using the bottom 5mm of uncut
decal as a pivot, move the top edge of the yellow signal portion of the decal towards the red section, overlapping the 3mm black border that separates
the two sections as you do. Once the desired position is achieved, press the remainder of the decal down, starting from the bottom and working up
to the top. The signal (yellow) portion of the decal should lay on top of the 3mm black border but should not overlap the red portion of the tail light.
Cut decals here (20mm long cuts)
Once finished, you will have a professional looking rock crawling body that is the envy of all your friends!