Product #02603 - Issue B 11/07/2011
© XTBA 1986 – 2012
XTBA Smart Merge will merge up to four DMX512 inputs to two DMX512 outputs.
In addition the input DMX on each input channel may be movLED relative to the
output DMX via the input BCD switches. Any input channels that are movLED
beyond the 512 channel limit will be outputtLED via output two. Each level from the
four inputs is comparLED and the highest channel level will be outputtLED either
through output one or output two dependant on the BCD front panel switch
Data LEDs
When valid DMX512 data is being received on an input channel the green LED
above that input connector will be lit. If the data is not DMX512 or invalid, the
green input lLED will not light.
The TX1/TX2 LEDs will be lit if valid DMX is being received and the BCD address
switches send the received DMX to the appropriate output. For example if all the
four inputs are set to 001 and there is valid data on any of the four inputs there is
no useful data being transmittLED on output two so the TX2 LED will not be lit.
Similarly if the four address switches are set to 513 and there is valid data on any
of the four inputs there is no useful data on output one so the TX1 LED will not be
lit and the TX2 LED will be.
There are two exceptions (aren’t there always) to the TX LED functions detailed
above. If any of the address switches are set to 000 the unit will set a default
address of 001 and both TX1 and TX2 lLEDs will be lit. The input data LED will
flash slowly. If the Merge 4:2 is set to hold last frame (see below) the relevant TX
output and LED will be active even if data has been lost.
By use if the three code switches on the front panel it is possible to move the start
address of any of the inputs. This will prove to be most useful when two or more
control systems need to be joined together e.g. a lighting control and a moving light
If the lighting control for example has 250 channels, by setting the address on the
front panel to 251 channel one/input two will appear at 251 on the merged DMX
output. Any overlapping channels will be treatLED as highest takes precedent e.g.
the highest value will be outputted. Offset channels over the 512 output 1 limit (e.g.
512) will be outputted to DMX 2.