: The charger is designed to automatically stop charging when the battery is full, but
unnecessary wear of the charging components could occur if the charger is left attached to the
battery and a power source for longer than 12 hours. Detach the charger as soon as possible
once the green light indicates a complete charge, to avoid unnecessary wear of charging
4) Once the battery is charged, unplug the charger from the power outlet.
5) Unplug the charger from the battery. Store the charger in a safe place for future use.
6) You can charge your phone by connecting to USB port on the battery.
The battery capacity display located at the top flat plate of the battery which indicates
the battery capacity status. There are four lights in the display. Four lights indicates the voltage
is higher than 49.5V; Three lights indicate the voltage is in between of 49.5V and 47.5V; Two
lights indicate the voltage is in between of 47.5V and 45.5V; One light indicates the voltage is
in between of 45.5V and 41.5V. It’s recommended to charge the battery in time when there are
only two lights on.