1-888-44-XPLORE (9-7567)
years ago. We are proud of our accomplishments to date and, we are committed to continuously improve in
the future
Publishing this report is a significant step toward the goal of becoming an environmental sustaining leader of
our industry. Going forward, we will persist to perfect our environmental performance and transparency. We
will also leverage our role as an industry leader and actively support international organizations and industry
associations working to improve environmental conditions.
The Xplore Technologies 2012 Environmental and sustainability corporate report is located at
http://www.xploretech.com// environment. To obtain the report please click on “Environmental Sustainability
Report 2012”. Feel free to save this to your personal files. If you do not have access to the internet please call
technical support at (866) 296-8541 ext 222 and request a digital copy be sent to your email.