Rekommendation - Endast EU
Harmed deklarerar X6D Limited att den har Radio Frequency Dongle for XPAND YOUniversal Electronic 3D Eyewear
efterlever de grundlaggande kraven och alla nodvandiga forutsattningar enligt direktivet 1999/5/EC. Den har utrustningen
kan anvandas i alla EU-lander. Den officiella deklarationen om overensstammelse hittar du pa adressen
Oneri - Yalnızca AB
İşbu belge ile, X6D Limited bunun Radio Frequency Dongle for XPAND YOUniversal Electronic 3D Eyewear esas
gerekliliklere ve 1999/5/EC Direktifinin diğer ilgili hukumlerine uygun olduğunu beyan eder. Bu ekipman, tum AB
ulkelerinde calıştırılabilir. Resmi Uyumluluk Beyanı http://www.xpand.me/youniversal/doc-rfdongle.pdf adresinde
WEEE Directive & Product Disposal
At the end of its serviceable life, this product should not be treated as household or general waste. It should
be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment, or
returned to the supplier for disposal.
XPAND 3D Beyond Imagination and XPAND YOUniversal Electronic 3D Eyewear are trademarks of X6D Limited.