HRS 8600 CI
Date & Time
Here you can have the time automatically via EPG To adjust or change the information manually.
Time from EPG
The options are Auto and Off.
Take information from EPG
For manual processing time
Date and Time
These two options are inactive when the automatic time recording (timer mode) are active. Otherwise,
you can enter the date and time it manually.
Time Zone
Here you define the time zone. For Germany for e1:00 (GMT +1).
Summer Time
(Day Light Saving)
Here you can switch the Summer Time On or Off.
Set Default
You have the opportunity to make undo all the settings and changes by load the default settings.
Enter the option and enter the password (
0 0 0 0
All settings are reset. Then that they should also perform the search again.
Software Update
Lets you install a new software version on the device. This of course must be connected to a USB
memory with only the update file in the root directory.
Further information can be found in our download pages from www.Xoro.de.
Turn off during the update process never the power off!