Basic Overview
The upper sketch shows a basic relation between the several function blocks of the NerdSEQ.
Note that several functions can manipulate each other as well which helps to create complex
sequences. In the most basic way, the sequencer selects a pattern to play on a track. This pattern
sequences the notes/triggers etc. into one of it’s destinations (eg CV/Gate outputs or Samples…).
On top of that these sequences can be for example further manipulated by the Automators or the
Tables. Some functions can also be routed to outputs without the use of any sequence. For
example, an envelope can be routed directly to a CV/MOD output. The envelope itself can then
again be triggered/gated by a sequence, a table, CV inputs or other sources.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 9
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022