Version 1.10
The chair carriage adjustments can’t be done correctly with the chair on, it is too heavy. But it can also not
be done without some sort of load on the chair carriage. It is best to use a lighter “dummy chair” that
resembles the
weight distribution
of a chair. The “dummy” weight load must be attached to the chair
carriage and the load must be positioned above or in front of the supporting leg to imitate the weight
distribution of the actual chair.
The goal of the adjustments is to get the chair carriage to the smallest possible tolerances in relation to
the chair guide to achieve is as little play between chair and guide as possible. This helps to keep the chair
stable, but it must also be able to cope with the tolerances of the chair guide which is not completely
straight. The cross section of the chair guide can vary a couple of mm.
If the chair carriage adjustment tolerances are too big, the chair will wobble and be unstable with a patient
in it. It will also wear out the rollers and nylon friction plates quicker.
If the tolerances are too small the chair carriage can bind on the chair guide causing noises and the lifting
motor to be over-worked with risk for the motor to overheat and cause a decrease in lifespan.
Adjustment Sequence