Configuration of XO Smart Link
Configuration of instru-
ment activation curves
To change the activation
curve lift the instrument
forward and right click
on the program you
wish to change.
Select / “General con-
figuration” / “Speeds,
torque & contra angle”
/ “Activation curve”.
Select activation curve
from the list.
On the page “Speeds,
torque & contra angle”
the maximum and mini-
mum speed values can
be set.
The “Minimum speed”
value defines the start
speed of the instrument.
The “Maximum speed
levels” fields define the
3 maximum speeds.
Configuration of XO Bar
A core element in XO
Smart Link is XO Bar.
XO Bar facilitates the fol-
lowing functions.
Create plug-in:
Right click on an empty
spot on the XO Bar
(green area). Choose
“Add plug-in”.
Select the desired plug-
in from the list.
Remove plug-in:
Right click on the plug-in
to remove. Select “Re-
move” from the menu.
Rearrange cells:
To rearrange the cells on
XO Bar right click on the
cell to move and select
“Move right” or Move
Set default program:
The default cell is
the cell first available
when XO Smart Link
is started. To set the
default cell right click
on the cell. Select “Set
Access the program
configuration mode:
Right click on the cell
to be changed. Select
“Configuration” / “Ge-
neral configuration”. The
configuration window
will now appear.
Access the input con-
figuration mode:
Right click on the cell
to be changed. Select
“Configuration” / “Con-
figure input”. The input
configuration window
will now appear.
Access XO Menu:
To access XO Menu
click on XO logo on the
left side of XO Bar.
Configuration of maxi-
mum torque of micro
motor and
To configure reduction
of the maximum torque
select: / “General con-
figuration” / “Speeds,
torque & contra angle” /
“Torque reduction”.
The efficiency of differ-
ent contra angles dif-
fers. Please consult the
table in the “more…”
label in “Rotating in-
struments tab” in the
configuration box.
Содержание SMART LINK