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Halo™ Infant Tag User Guide

Halo™ Infant Tag User Guide

Instructions for the Halo™ Infant Tag


As an essential part of the Halo infant 
protection system, the infant tag helps 
to protect and identify infants in your 
care. Each tag is labeled with a unique 
serial number and manufacturing date 
for easy, accurate identifi cation.
The tag is designed to ensure a snug and 
comfortable fi t.
Tag pulse technology allows tags to emit 
periodic signals to the Halo system that 
allow facilities to accurately track and 
locate infants.

Proper banding will limit the incidence 
of nuisance alarms. A properly fastened 
strap should keep the bottom of the tag 
against the infant’s skin, without either 
restricting the infant’s circulation or 
causing discomfort.
Xmark offers the Velcro Strap and 
Stockinette for attaching the tag. How-
ever, facilities are free to use other 
banding solutions, such as the Coban™ 
Self-Adherent Wrap family of products 
from 3M.

Items Required

HALO infant tag (AR3TA01-00P)


Secure Strip


(AR3SS01-000—roll of 5000)
Velcro Strap


(AR3WS01-VLC–package of 10) 



• (AR2WSD1-SOC, 

AR3WS01-MED or AR3WS01-
SML–package of 50) 


other band, such as 3M Coban

Cleaning the Tag

Follow these recommendations for cleaning 
the tag. Tag straps are single-use. Do not 
clean or re-use.

Use a mild soap and water to 


remove any apparent debris or 
Secure Strip residue.
Disinfect tags by wiping with an 


alcohol sanitizer or germicidal 
cleaner for 60 seconds. Use only 
cleaners marked as safe for plastics. 
Tags are incompatible with disin-
fectants containing Glycol Ether.
Dry with a soft, clean cloth.


Do not use an autoclave to clean 


the tag or serious damage may 

Applying the Secure Strip

Remove a Secure Strip from the roll. 


Bend the tape slightly to separate the 
Strip from the roll.
Center the Secure Strip on the 


bottom of the tag and press the 
adhesive side fi rmly into place.

Attaching the Tag

Attach the tag following the below proce-
dures, or using an alternative band such as 
3M Coban.

Using a Velcro Strap 

From the top of 


the tag (green 
side), insert 
the tab of the 
strap through 
t h e   a r m   o f 
the tag opposite 
the serial number, 
making sure the tan colored side of 
the strap faces the tag.
Pull the strap tight.


Carefully peel the backing from the 


Secure Strip to expose the adhesive.
Place the tag on the infant’s limb, 


usually just below the calf.

Guide the tab end of the strap 


around the limb and insert the tab 
through the other arm of the tag, 
from the bottom.
Make sure that the strap is snug 


enough not to be dislodged but not 
so tight that it restricts circulation 
or causes chafi ng, then fold the tab 
over the tag arm and press it into the 
Velcro to hold the tag in place.
Cover the tag with a stockinette 


to help prevent the tag from being 

Using a Stockinette

Stockinettes come in three sizes: small, 
medium and large. Select a size that will fi t 
comfortably on the infant.

Carefully peel the backing from the 


Secure Strip to expose the adhesive.
Place the tag 


on the infant’s 
limb, usually 
just below the 
Slip the Stocki-


nette over the 
tag to hold it in place. 

Periodic Check and Bathing

It is good practice to check the tag at the 
start of every shift. Rotate the tag on a 
regular basis to relieve impressions on the 
infant’s skin. Although these marks are not 
injurious or permanent, rotation may ease 
any parental concerns. 
Be sure to apply a new Secure Strip when-
ever the position of the tag is changed, 
including after bathing.


Store tags in the Tag 
Rack (AGETR01-
000) at room tem-
perature. The Tag 
Rack holds up to 
42 tags. Regularly 
ro t a t e   yo u r   t a g 
inventory so that tags are used evenly.

(Sensing Surface)


