XK-SAR : SAR90 / SAR360 Lighting System
Search Mode allows the user to direct the light where necessary. To activate Search, simply click the Search button. The
forward-facing light bars will illuminate and can be controlled via the center turn dial. Turn the dial clockwise to direct
right, and counterclockwise to direct left.
90 Degree Search
360 Degree Search
Use the 90-degree setting when only forward-facing light bars are used. The 90-degree mode will lock the light beam
to the forward-facing bar only. Example- if you turn the dial all the way left, the light will automatically stop when it
reaches the end of the light bar.
Use the 360-degree setting when SAR Light Bars are installed on multiple sides of the vehicle. The 360-degree
mode will allow the light to pass by the ends of the light bar when directed. Example- when the light reaches the end
of the forward-facing bar, it will pass to the bar on that side of the vehicle.
To toggle between the
90 Degree Search
and the
360 Degree Search
, simply hold the Search button until the
indicator LEDs at the top of the controller flash.
Search/Strobe Mode –
The Search and Strobe mode is a variant of the standard Search mode but adds strobe when necessary. In the
standard Search mode, all LEDs outside of the controllable beam section remain off but, in the
Search/Strobe Mode
those off LEDs strobe on and off for lateral visibility.
To activate the
Search/Strobe Mode
, double click the Search button. To return to normal Search Mode, simply click
the Search button again.