XP3 PLC/HMI Hardware Manual
Page 21 of 42
Full Value: The register’s corresponding value with the trend diagram 100% scale
Zero value: The register’s corresponding value with the trend
diagrams 0% scale display.
Sample data (point number): From left to right, all the sample points that the
whole trend diagram has. The larger this value, the more detailed the trend diagram
changes (But the time will be longer).
Sample cycle: The time space of two sample points.
One trend diagram can only display one curve. If the project needs many trends, you need to
create more screens.
2-4-9 Function key
key and place it in the display area. Set the corresponding parameters in the property
area. The function key is used most frequently in the project and has a close relationship with the
system function control. Generally in the application, used along with the text units, lamp unit etc.
It contains three different functions
Set coil
creen jump
Set data
. According to the
requirement, the user can choose among them.
First, “Set coil” see the following diagram:
display the defaulted “F1” key, click the pull-down menu, and choose the
corresponding key on the panel
See the following diagram: