Power indicator: The stronger the power, the more the indicator
lights up.
Brushing score: After every brushing session is completed, the
screen will display the score for the session. If the brushing score
is over 95, then " " will be displayed. If the brushing session
lasts for less than one minute, then " " will be displayed. The Mi
Home/Xiaomi Home app does not record the brushing data for
sessions less than one minute. It is recommended to brush for at
least one minute every time.
Screen-on notifications
When the toothbrush is powered on for the first time, the screen-on
notification feature will be enabled automatically. Afterward,
whenever you pick up the toothbrush, the screen will automatically
light up and display the current brushing mode.
If a nickname or anniversary date has been set in the Mi Home/Xiaomi
Home app, then the screen will display the nickname or the anniversary
notification on the set date when the toothbrush is picked up.
Connecting via Bluetooth
(Indicators will sequentially
turn on and off.)
Preparing Bluetooth
(Indicators will breathe.)
Bluetooth connected
Brushing score
Brushed for less than
one minute
Brushing score is
over 95