To update the phone’s operating system, use the built-in system update
function or the services of the official Xiaomi service centers. Using other
methods of updating the system can lead to malfunctions in the phone and
loss of user data, and cause failures in the security control system, and the
associated risks.
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O: the content of this harmful and toxic material in all homogeneous
materials of this component is within the requirements of GB / T26572.
X: the content of this harmful and toxic material in at least one of the
homogeneous materials of this component exceeds the requirements of
GB / T26572.
(This product complies with the requirements of the RoHS Directive:
There is currently no proven technology that would replace or reduce
the use of lead in electrochemical, optical glass, steel or copper alloys.)
Presence of toxic and harmful substances
By the term safe operating time it is understood that under
normal operating conditions, hazardous substances and
elements contained in the phone (with the exception of the
battery) and its accessories will not stand out, and that the
use of this product does not entail serious environmental
pollution, Will cause serious damage to the health of the user
and material values.
Safe battery life in the conditions specified in the manual is 5
The maximum value of the specific absorption coefficient of
electromagnetic energy of this device is ≤2,0W / kg, which corresponds to
the requirements of GB212288-2007.
For acquaintance with the legal information, please read: «Settings - About
phone - Legal information».
Xiaomi Phone User Guide
Xiaomi Communication Technology Co., LTD
Digital cellular phone standard TD-LTE
Model: MDE40 CMIIT ID: 2017CP1318
All rights reserved by Xiaomi Inc.