FalconX1/X4/X8 Quick Start Guide
Version 0.6
August 23, 2019
Medium rate: This is the best all-around setting for most applications, as it combines
very high throughput with the best energy resolution for fast detectors.
High rate: this setting works with very fast (typically small area) detectors, and
allows for the highest possible throughput and the best pileup inspection, at the
expense of some resolution at low rates. Please note that this setting shoul only be
used with very short rise times; resolution performance is significantly degraded
using this filter with long rise times.
The performance of the medium and high rate filters with a small area CUBE SDD
detector (Ketek H7) is shown below. The high rate setting achieves 240 eV FWHM
atan output rate of 4 Mcps, while the medium rate setting achieves better than 170 eV
resolution at an output rate of 2.4 Mcps (and better than 140 eV at an output rate of 1