Security-Related Supplement to User Guidance
Security-Related Supplement to User Guidance
Accessing the Printer
To ensure that unauthorized users cannot access the printer, the system administrator can configure
authentication and authorization. If the administrator configures authentication and authorization,
you can be required to type your user name and password to access some or all of the features on the
printer. If the administrator configures accounting, you must type an accounting code to access
tracked features.
Authentication is the process of confirming your identity. When the system administrator enables
authentication, the printer compares the information that you provide to another source of
information, such as an LDAP directory. You can be authenticated when accessing features at the
control panel or using CentreWare Internet Services. If the administrator configures local or network
authentication, you identify yourself by typing your user name and password at the control panel or in
CentreWare Internet Services. If the administrator configures card reader authentication, you identify
yourself by swiping a magnetic or proximity card at the control panel and typing a passcode.
The administrator can allow you to type your user name and password to access the printer
when Smart Card authentication is the primary authentication method. If the administrator
configures an alternative authentication method, and you misplace your card, you can still access
the printer.
Authorization is the function of specifying the features that you are allowed to access, and the process
of approving or disapproving access. The system administrator can configure the printer to allow you
to access the printer, but restrict access to certain features, tools, and services. For example, the printer
can allow access to copying, but restrict access to color printing. The administrator can also control
access to features at specific times during the day. For example, the administrator can restrict printing
for a group of users during peak business hours. If you attempt to print using a restricted method or
during a restricted time, the job does not print. Instead, the printer prints an error page and the job
appears with an error message in the Job Status lists.
The system administrator can configure accounting to track how the printer is used. The administrator
configures accounting to count copy, print, scan, and fax impressions that each user creates. The
administrator can create a report to see how many impressions each user creates. Users are associated
with an account, and you must type a four-digit account code when accessing tracked features. The
administrator can set limits to restrict the total number of jobs by type that you can produce. The
administrator can generate a report that lists usage data for individual users and groups. When the
administrator configures accounting, you must also provide your accounting code in the print driver
before printing documents from a computer.