16 Xerox WorkCentre 7120 Evaluator Guide
Section 2: Introducing the Xerox WorkCentre 7120
Colour Multifunction System
Product Overview
Effi ciently powerful performance.
Seamlessly create and share business-critical
information, in full offi ce colour, and take your business or workgroup to a higher level
of performance - without hurting the bottom line.
Streamline your processes
Increase productivity with powerful
workfl ows that optimise business
effi ciency. The compact WorkCentre
7120 is loaded with features that save
time and simplify device management.
Fast output.
Copy and print both
single-sided and two-sided documents
at up to 20 ppm in colour or black and
Scan, print, copy, fax and route fi les
- all at once.
Concurrent operation
maximises offi ce productivity, letting
multiple users perform different offi ce
tasks simultaneously.
Never wait for a critical print job.
The Print Around feature holds a job
in need of resources (such as a special
paper size) and prints the next job in
the queue.
Superior scanning.
Easily share fi les
or introduce electronic archiving with
powerful scan capabilities. Create
text-searchable fi les at the device for
easy retrieval. Compression technology
reduces network load to enable fast
Automate everyday workfl ows.
job fl ow sheets to automatically route
documents to predefi ned locations,
including email addresses, fax
destinations and FTP/SMB sites.