Email Security -
Allows the System Administrator to secure the device’s email service. Is accessible by typing
Binary Printing Support -
Allows the device to accept printing jobs that are identified as binary files. Is accessible by
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/binaryAllow.php.
Postscript Filter PDL Guessing Policy -
Allows the System Administrator to select whether the Postscript Filter guess
algorithm will use a strict or loose interpretation. Is accessible by typing
Web Services IP Lockout Reset -
Allows the System Administrator to clear the Web Services IP Address Lockout cache.
Is accessible by typing
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/ipLockout.php
Service Registry Reset -
Allows the System Administrator to reset the device’s Service Registry to its default values. Is
accessible by typing
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/registryReset.php
Job Queue Limit -
Allows the System Administrator to set the maximum number of jobs that can be listed in the device’s
job queues. Is accessible by typing
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/jobLimit.php
Barcode Space Character Interpretation -
Allows the System Administrator to choose how the device renders space
characters within barcode fonts. Is accessible by typing
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/barcodeSpaceToggle.php
DHCP v6 -
Allows the System Administrator to choose which compliance option will be followed when DHCP v6 is used.
Is accessible by typing
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/ dhcpv6Options.php
View Service Registry Contents -
Allows the System Administrator to view the contents of the device’s Service Registry.
Is accessible by typing
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/viewRegistry.php
Diagnostics Tree -
Allows the System Administrator to view the selectable list of diagnostics Special Purpose Pages. Is
accessible by typing
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/tree.php
PCL Advanced Configuration -
Allows the System Administrator to enter the desired PCL advanced configuration paper
size code. Is accessible by typing
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/pclSetup.php
Control Kerberos Settings –
Allows the System Administrator to control how the device performs Kerberos
authentication with a domain controller, LDAP server and other kerberized services as they are developed. Is accessible
by typing
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/kerberosSettings.php
Download DLM PCL Forms -
Allows the System Administrator to download the DLM PCL forms into the device. Is
accessible by typing
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/dl_pcl.php
Multiple Pages per JBIG2 Dictionary -
Allows the System Administrator to enable the multiple pages per JBIG2
dictionary feature (for PDF and PDF/A only). Is accessible by typing
Show Web UI Configuration Page -
Allows the System Administrator to enable users who are not authenticated
administrators to view the Web UI Configuration Page. Is accessible by typing
NTLM v2 Response -
Allows the System Administrator to enable the device to send only the NT Lan Manager (NTLM)
Version 2 protocol (and refuse the LM & NTLM versions). Is accessible by typing
Custom Size Allowed -
Allows the System Administrator to allow custom size paper to be used for print jobs. Is
accessible by typing
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/customSizeAllowed.php
Copies Per Page Print Setting -
Allows the System Administrator to permit the use of the copies per page setting for
print jobs. Is accessible by typing
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/copiesPerPage.php
HTTP SSL Cipher Encryption Strength -
Allows the System Administrator to control the set of supported ciphers when
using SSL (e.g., to enforce 128 bit or higher encryption keys). Is accessible by typing
Port 9100 Print Stream Filtering -
Allows the System Administrator to enable/disable the filtering of the RAW IP print
stream for the occurrence of the PostScript control-T character. Is accessible by typing
CRU Low/Reorder Message Suppression -
Allows the System Administrator to set whether the CRU Low/Reorder
messages are enabled/disabled. Is accessible by typing
Install Software (View Scan Templates Created by WIA Driver) -
Allows the System Administrator to install the
#00022121 Network Controller version to view templates created by the Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
driver. Is accessible by typing
http://{IP Address}/diagnostics/00022121.dhtml
. The System Administrator should be