7. Hold the XLS rear-side guide by its grip, then move it to touch the edges of the paper lightly (1).
Place the XLS front side guide to fit the loaded paper (2).
The XLS front side guide is removable. Install the front side guide in the direction that ensures
that the metal surface touches the paper.
8. Close the two covers (1), then wait until the bottom plate rises. Place the XLS end guide to fit the
loaded paper (2).
The XLS end guide is removable. Install the end guide in the direction that ensures that the metal
surface touches the paper.
FFiinniisshhiinngg D
IInntteerrffaaccee D
Deeccuurrlleerr M
Moodduullee ((IID
The Interface Decurler Module is required with any inline finishing devices installed
with the system; it is not required with the Offset Catch Tray.